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"Woohoo!" She lets out as if it is the most joyous feeling. But then a thumping sound was heard. I lean forward to see.

A circular part of the water was red marking where she exactly fell.

She is sick! I am pretty sure at this point that she has some mental issue.

I felt sudden rage building up. I go through her backpack. She brought water, food, ropes, a screwdriver, a scissor, a camcorder, a compass, one of my t-shirts, a towel and a bunch of painkillers.

I hid the painkillers in the secret compartment of my backpack.

Poor Harmie, you are not getting these.

I turn on the camcorder, capture a clip of the water with a blood-red circle in it. Then I flip the camera at me. Smiling, I wave at the camera, "Hermia Elrod just committed suicide. She has no idea what she signed up for," a laugh escaped my lips.

I dig a jar of jam out of my backpack. I was about to dip my hand in it but Mia comes to my mind, "Ew! Dirty hands,"

We were sitting in Mia's grandma's library, going through grimoires, looking for nothing exactly. Our hands were dusty from touching the old books. Mia woke from her chair, on her way to grab another book, I was ready to dip my hand in the jam and that's when she said that, slapping my hand.

I pull out a water bottle from her bag and wash my hand. I am not going to use my water on following some advice she gave.

I grab the scissor and wait until she comes to life. And when she did, we drove home. On our way back, she kept rambling about how worthy it was, how incredible it felt, how alive it made her feel. I didn't say a word. Noticing that she shut up. Finally.

After coming back to life, she also looked for painkillers, saying that everything hurt, death hurt. She came prepared. But painkillers can't numb the pain of death. So there was no need for that. But let's not tell her that and keep her restless and finding something useless. Let her have her delusions.

"Did your death pain go away?" I ask as I park the car in front of her mother's house.

"Almost. You finally spoke," she rubbed her eyes, getting out of the car.

I follow her to the front door. I was facing her back. Putting a hand on her shoulder, I make her turn around. "I have a surprise for you,"

I stab her with the scissor. It was pretty sharp. Pain flashed through her eyes.

"What the hell, Kai?" She seethed before falling limp in my arms.

She died, again. Twice a day. Happy Birthday, Hermie.


"I hate Kai," are the first words for me to speak after coming back to life.

Glancing at the window, daylight shuns through the window. I was back in Parker house. In Kai's bed.

He sat on the bed, smiling goofily at me. I want to kill him.

Let's do it.

"How do you feel?" He asks. Shitface!

"Like you stabbed me with a scissor, you fuckterd," I curse.

"Oh, Mia, it was just a scissor. Don't get all mad at me. You craved death yesterday, so I gave you another," he hands me a glass of water.

"I didn't crave death. I craved being alive, I craved the rush, the thrill. I was ready to go through the pain of death just to feel alive for a few moments. Death came as an outcome," I say. I gulp down the water before setting the glass on the nightstand.

"Sex would have been nice too but who am I going to do that with? You? Never," I add.

I am just gonna ignore you said that.

"Why not? Am I not your type?" He lies down.

"Not that. Our covens hate each other so we are supposed to hate each other too. And you tried to kill me in the first 24 hours you saw me and actually killed me on my birthday... After I committed suicide but that'snot the soul focus. The focus should be on the fact that you stabbed me,"


"Try again, come with something reasonable. You hate your coven,"

"I don't hate my coven. They had no idea about me. I hated my father who was a friend of Joshua, your father," I try. What am I getting at?

"Exactly, you hate your father, who is also friends with my father. You hate my father and so do I. An enemy of an enemy is a friend. We are allies," my eyes went wide processing his words.

He is so intelligent, let me lick his brain.

Go lick a potato.

"You are actually right. But our covens hate each other,"

"Our covens don't hate each other, they don't care. All of our previous leaders did so the members feel like following the same thing," he explains. I nod at him.

"Ok, now what, Kai?"

"Let's fuck each other," he suggests earning a glare from me.

"When we get out of here, it'll be the end for our present leaders, Mia" Kai brings his hand close to my cheekbone. His skin makes contact with mine. I don't know why but I lean to his touch.

"We are fighters. We will win. We always win," he says. I sit up, fully turning to him.

All these years and I still hold onto hope. Hope that I'll get back to the real world. Hope that I'll be able to claim what's mine. Hope that I'll finally get to live life the way I've always wanted. No more running, no more fearing.

"We will get out of here and get what is rightfully ours," a smile plays on his lips. He props on his elbows.

I know he has been through a lot. I know how his father was to him. His father never cared about his children, all he cared about was the coven. And Kai being a siphon did not help him in that case. He was ignored, treated like trash, nobody cared about him.

Josette cared about him but not that much. She probably hates him right now. She also loved the four that Kai killed. She loved her family.

His family acted as if he didn't exist when it came to good times and used him as a punching bag at bad times.

He is strong. He went through all of that bullshit but he didn't break. I admire that about him.

Kiss him if you think he is that good.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks.


I raise my eyebrows while answering, "Ninja Turtles," I make my way to the door.

But stop at my track when I hear Kai letting out a little giggle, "You need to work on your lies,"

"I don't, I am a great liar. I've mastered in it," I turn around to see how close he has gotten. One move and our body will make contact.

Make the move!

You have lost it.

Don't think about anything, focus on him.

I was focusing on him. I wasn't thinking about a Bennett or the ascendant.

Ugh! Do it. Listen to me once.

The tone of the voice in my head grew rough. Why am I even listening to it? Just block it out.

Two Of A Kind ⍟ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now