I heard the door open and close so I ended the call with Brandon promising to hang out with him soon.

"There's my favorite sis," I said with a chuckle.

"Pfft. I'm your only sis," she said with a scoff, hanging up her backpack in the hallway closet. Shutting the door.

"You sure about that sis?" I joked with her, she rolled her eyes at my response.

I can't stand it when she rolls her eyes.

"Hey, cut that out!" I said giving her a stern look, "I have a pizza in the oven for you, so please go upstairs and clean your bathroom, be back down here in ten minutes to eat."

She looked over at me, I was waiting for an argument. She really didn't like cleaning, she has this notion in her head that the maid will clean up after her. Nope, I had told Ellie our maid that she is not to clean Heather's bedroom or bathroom, if the clothes are not in the hamper then they don't get washed!

"Okay," she said, I looked at her in shock, thinking I hadn't heard that right. She seemed nervous about something, but I figured that she had a big test tomorrow at school, and she had expressed her nervousness before she went to Kylie's to study. I watched her leave the room and head upstairs, shaking my head.


I trudged up the stairs to my bathroom, I didn't want to clean it, but I was feeling great right now! YAY! We did it! I let out a sigh of relief as I picked up clothing and towels off the floor and put them in the hamper in the corner of the bathroom.

The rest of the night went pretty well too and was thankfully uneventful, we both ate pizza and watched a couple of movies. As I was changing into my pajamas, I made sure to put my clothes in the hamper so that they would get washed. I was able to fall asleep with no worries or dread except for that horrid math test of course. Little did I know my math test tomorrow wouldn't be the only thing I had to worry about. In fact, it would end up being the least of my worries.

I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm, and Jason yelling from downstairs to get up! I had apparently overslept my first alarm. In a frenzy, I jumped out of bed and got ready as quickly as I could. I could hear Jason frantically beeping his car horn, as I was trying to put my shoe on my foot hopping around on one foot, I was going as fast as I could! I grabbed my backpack and left the house. I practically leaped in the car as Jason put the car in gear and backed out of the driveway. On the way to school, Jason did his best going the speed limit, but he was trying to get me to school on time. As I was exiting the car, he looked pointedly at me.

"Did you put your clothes in the hamper last night? Ellie is going to be doing laundry today.

"Yes they are all in the hamper, " I said closing his car door.

"Alright Love you, sis, behave please," he said.

I waved at him.

"See you later alligator, no promises," I responded I ran into the school before I had to hear a lecture about behaving and consequences.

As I was running into the school I almost tripped over literally nothing in my rush to get to my first class. Kylie gave me a questioning look, as I slid into my seat behind my desk that was next to her.

"I'll explain later," I mouthed to her. She nodded and got her book out and pretended to pay attention to the teacher, it was boring, so we both just pretended.

When the bell rang for our next class, we both groaned knowing it was math class and the dreaded test. Kylie looked at me with a worried look,

"What happened to you this morning," she asked as we took our seats once again in the math classroom.

She sighed tapping her pencil on her desk.

"I overslept my alarm, and Jason was totally on my ass, and not we have this stupid math test!" I groaned.

"I think that's the least of our problems right now," she said with a worried look.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked confused and a little worried.


I think that's the least of our worries" I said to Heather. She looked at me with a very concerned look on her face.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

I didn't know how to tell her what I knew, my brother had texted me earlier today. I looked at her with a lot of worry on my face.

"What is going on Kylie?" she said looking at me with worry.

I sighed, she isn't going to like this, "My brother text me during the first period, telling me that your brother had the maid at your house bring down the hamper from your bathroom to wash the clothes. As she was checking pockets to make sure they were empty, well she found the ticket stubs from the R-rated movie we went to see! She put them on the countertop that she uses to fold towels on. He said that Jason found them and called him to find out if I was a part of the fiasco, and Brandon found the same ticket stub in the pocket of my shorts that I wore that day!"

"Oh no," she said slapping her forehead with her hand. "We are so screwed!"

I nodded my head, realizing what we had done, not only had we lied, we had also seen an R-rated movie. R-rated movies were for only eighteen and older to watch. We were definitely screwed!

"No ratting each other out!" I reminded her, making her pinky promise.

She agreed saying, "As if!" grabbing my pinky with hers and shaking on it. "You're my best friend I'd never rat you out. No matter how angry I get towards you."

I smiled at her as I felt my cellphone vibrate, as I looked at the caller id, my heart raced and I started feeling sick, it was a text from my brother, when I opened it, I felt doom. It read, "You're in deep" was all it said, well it definitely didn't need to finish the sentence. I groaned. Great I thought to myself. Just great!


(Prior to calling Brandon)

I had just got back home from dropping Heather off at school. Ellie was in the kitchen finishing the dishes. I was starting to get a headache.

"Ellie, would you mind bringing down Heather's laundry?" I asked as I entered the kitchen, tossing my keys on the counter, rubbing my temple with my fingers.

"Of course." She responded wiping her hands on a dishtowel. "You just rest I'll grab her hamper and bring it down. Take some medicine and you'll be good as new." She said leaving the room.

I nodded and took some aspirin as she suggested, laid down on the couch. Before I knew it, I must have fallen asleep because she was nudging me to wake me up.

"Jason, I'm leaving. Heather's clothes are down in the dryer as you requested and your house is nice and tidy, she said with a smile, then looked at me with concern, "Are you feeling any better?" she asked.

"I feel much better," I responded sitting up on the couch. "I don't know what that headache was about, but the aspirin and nap really worked wonders."

Ellie waved goodbye and left the house. I got up to take her clothes out of the driver and was about ready to put them on the counter. I saw a crumpled-up piece of paper laying on the counter. I thought it must be a receipt from a store, but as I uncrinkled it I realized it wasn't a receipt at all, it was a movie ticket stub! I frowned, she didn't mention anything about a movie. She didn't have money to see a movie, upon closer inspection, I saw it was for the Wolf within the R-rated movie that I took Kelly to, wait a minute it is the same date and time we went to see it! She was in the movie theatre watching an R-rated movie while I was there!? How did I not see her? I was seriously angry, she had snuck into an R-rated movie lied straight to my face, and seen something her young eyes were not ready for. I needed to find out if Kylie was a part of this plan.

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