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Emma, Rita and Marco were sat in the waiting room, all worried at Regina still being in surgery. Emma's shoulder had been stitched up, bandaged and put into a sling for support. She had her good hand holding her son's, trying to keep him reassured and calm.

"How long did the doctor say this would take" Marco asked, his eyes unable to move from the door.

"An hour or two" Rita replied, knowing she was the one who was told.

"And how long has it been" Marco asked in a nervous tone, having lost all trace of time.

"One and a half" Emma simply replied, looking over at the upset boy. Marco just sniffled a little and stared at the door, too scared to do or say anything. Emma let go of his hand and wrapped her arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer. "I know you're scared, kid... Do you want to talk"

"What? What is there to talk about" Marco questioned, finally glancing up at his mother.

"Everything going on inside your head, do you want to let it all out" Emma offered the boy, pushing her hands through his hair.

"No, I just want this to all end" Marco explained, pulling away from his mother to hide his face.

"It's over. Once Regina is out of surgery, we are done, we can have a normal life" Emma softly said, trying to move his hands away.

"No, we won't. There is going to be statements, court dates and all that load of shit"


"Sorry, mum" Marco sighed, knowing he was going to get cut off in that part.

"I know this is tough and it's not fully over but we are free, no more running and no more leaving" Emma said with a soft smile, brushing the boys hair to help sooth him.

"You promise"

"I promise"

Marco smiled the smallest bit as he slouched down, still worried. Rita had been quiet ever since she found out about Ryder, unsure how to handle everything that had happened. For her, she grew up with the boys all her life and only recently found out how awful they were; it still hurt her to loose them. Soon enough, a doctor who had examined Emma came walking over, another following behind.

"Miss Swan" Dr Fox politely greeted, making his presence known to the three.

"Any news on Regina?" Emma quickly asked, sitting forward in fear.

"No, I'm afraid not. I'm not her doctor so I don't know anything, I'm sorry. I'm here because of the few drug tests we done earlier" Dr Fox replied, merely glancing at his sheet for the answer.

"You had a drug test" Rita asked, looking over at the woman with concern.

"Yeah, just in case Ryan put some in the food" Emma replied, knowing she needed to be safe.

"Well, we didn't find any traces of drugs in your urine however... Umm, Miss Swan, are you aware you are currently 13 weeks pregnant" Dr Fox quietly asked, knowing there is a large chance she didn't.

"I'm what?" Emma spat out, looking in pure and utter shock at the man.

"Holy shit" Rita mumbled, slowly turning to see the blonde with a matching expression.

"Please tell me this is some fucked up joke" Emma begged in slight fear, shaking her head at the thought.

"I'm afraid not, the test was very accurate" Dr Fox softly said, able to see this wasn't good news. "I will go find Regina's doctor and have them talk to you"

With that, he hurried away. The man didn't want to be there when the blonde exploded; it didn't take a genius to know she wasn't happy by this. Emma just looked down in shock, wrapping her mind around this.

"Who's is it?" Rita asked, knowing this happened way before the blonde came back to Maine.

"I, um... I didn't actually get as far as his name" Emma awkwardly replied, keeping her gaze anywhere but her son.

"Oh my god, ew" Marco disgustedly said, turning his nose up at the idea.

"I know, I know. I was drunk and nervous about coming back here, it shouldn't have happened" Emma sighed, knowing it was a big mistake.

"Oh god, mum"

"Yeah, I know, kid"

"No, mum, look who mum's doctor is" Marco quickly said, gesturing to the woman walking towards them.

"Oh for god sake" Emma said with a long sigh, finally looking to see Laura walking towards them. She stood up with a fake smile, not too happy to see her. "Hi, you're Regina's doctor?"

"This is my area of specialties; Regina shouldn't have got shot in the same place" Laura said with an awkward chuckle, approaching the group.

"Who's this" Rita asked, standing up to join the conversation.

"Remember when Regina told you about her ex wife" Emma questioned, glancing across at the shorter brunette.


"This is her"

"You're Regina's ex wife" Rita quickly asked, looking towards the woman in slight shock.

"Yeah" Laura awkwardly replied, giving a smile to the woman she was didn't know.

"I heard a lot about you" Rita simply said, giving a happy smile to the woman. Laura looked a little confused by the expression, knowing nothing said about her was good. "Em, hold my phone"

Before anyone could question, Rita handed the phone to Emma and began running at Laura. The blonde quickly caught her mid air before she could hit the doctor, knowing that won't end well.

"Whoa, calm down there" Emma quickly said, pulling the brunette back down to her feet.

"Sorry, I'm calm" Rita softly said, taking a few deep breaths to relax herself.

"What was that for? Who are you" Laura asked in shock, not expecting such a reaction.

"This is her younger sister" Marco informed, seeing his mother having to calm the brunette down.

"Oh, that makes more sense now. If it makes you feel better, Reina got a good shot in" Laura said to the Mills woman, remembering the bruised jaw she had for far too long.

"That does help, thank you" Rita said with a calm voice, using that image to relax her.

"So, what is the latest with Regina"

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