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The following morning came, leaving a tired Regina in her bed; she'd barely slept the night. She crawled out and felt stood to her feet, yawning widely as she stretched. She was still in her bed shorts and vest when she left her room, heading straight to the bar. Rita was stood there, cleaning the countertop, when the brunette walked in.

"Whoa, don't you look like shit" Rita said with a chuckle, having hardly ever seen the woman like this.

"Fuck off, I haven't slept all night" Regina huffed, letting her head hit the counter.

"I can see that. Are you on your way up to Emma" Rita asked, knowing there's a reason the woman is there.

"I was but I'm not sure anymore. I don't know what to say to her at the moment" Regina sighed dramatically, rubbing her tired eyes in exhaustion. "This is why I didn't want to talk! I was able to hold it all in until then"

"Maybe talking isn't what is needed right now. Clearly, you haven't slept because of your anxiety. Go up there, get into bed with her and don't talk; just sleep" Rita suggested, fully aware of what both women had been like.

"That's not such a bad idea actually. I could really use some sleep so might as well" Regina replied, lifting her body off the counter.

"See, full of good ideas" Rita said with a large grip, continuing her job.

"No one would go that far" Regina sassed as she left, already heading up the stairs.

"Asshole" Rita huffed at the woman, knowing she's just in a bad mood again.

Regina went upstairs and down the hall, heading towards the apartment. Usually she'd walk in but, now that it's technically Marco's place, she felt best to knock. The young boy opened the door and smiled to see her, instantly knowing why she's there.

"Hey, sweetie, you look nice today" Regina said happily, admiring the boys clothes.

"Thank you. You look tired" Marco replied with a chuckle, looking the woman up and down.

"Yeah, I know. Is Ben still coming today" Regina asked, curious as to if his outfit was for the boy.

"Yep, about lunchtime if that's ok" Marco replied, unable to stop his little smile.

"That's fine. I only need the morning with your mother" Regina replied, stepping into the apartment.

"I had a feeling that's why you were here. I'll meet you downstairs later" Marco said with a chuckle, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks kid" Regina giggled, ruffling the boys hair while he left.

She closed the door behind her and headed through the apartment. Without knocking, Regina opened the bedroom door. She bares witness to Emma sleeping in her bed, tossing and turning as she'd done all night. The blonde opened her eyes at the sound of the door closing, looking confused as to what the woman was doing.

"Regina? Are you ok" Emma asked quietly, lifting her head a little to see better.

Regina didn't say anything. She just made her way over to the bed and climbed in, cuddling close to the blonde. Her head snuggled just under Emma's neck, allowing her arms to pull her close. Emma didn't think twice about holding the woman back, wanting her in her arms forever.

"I haven't slept all night" Regina mumbled, letting her heavy eyes fall shut.

"Me either" Emma simply replied, resting her lips against the woman's head.

"Tell me you love me and all that romantic bullshit" Regina whispered, playing with strands of blonde hair.

"You are, by far, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and my heart is yours. We are going to be ok, I know it" Emma softly said into the brunettes ear, making her voice calm and soothing.

"Why do I always believe the shit that you say" Regina sighed in exhaustion, subconsciously bring herself closer to the woman.

"Because you know it's true" Emma replied with a small chuckle, pushing her hand through the brunette locks.

"It's not, I'm sure you've seen more beautiful women"

"You must be joking"

Regina couldn't help the small giggle at the blondes reaction. She wasn't saying it for attention, she was genuinely insecure. She slowly looked up at Emma, letting her brown eyes meet the green.

"It's so confusing. I am mad at you but, when I'm mad, I want you to comfort me and make me feel better" Regina sighed, looking longingly at the pretty blonde. Emma just kissed her head softly and cuddled her closer, making sure she comforted the woman the way she knew best. "Do you really believe we'll be ok"

"Of course I do... But we need to stop trying to rush this" Emma replied with a slight sigh, re-catching the woman's stare. "We both know we are going to make it to the end but if we just to race there, we will never make it"

"I agree. We've only ever been on one date" Regina said with a chuckle, moving up to be eye level with the blonde. "Maybe that's where we should start"

"Yeah? Are you asking me on a date" Emma asked, a small smirk as she teases the woman.

"Don't make ask, you know I never ask someone to date me"

"The ball is in your court, you ask"

"You are a bitch" Regina grumbled, trying hard to not laugh. Emma scrunched her nose up with a cute giggle. This small gesture made Regina realized the very reason she fell in love with the woman; it wasn't hard to ask now. "Will you go on a date with me"

"Will you have a baby with me" Emma asked back, placing the brunettes hand over her very small bump.

Regina giggled as she nodded, brushing her hand over the stomach. Emma smiled as she leaned closer, joining her lips to the set in front. They lingered a few seconds before pulling away, relocking eyes.

"I really need to sleep" Regina sighed, moving back to cuddle into the blondes neck.

"Me too" Emma happily replied, resting her chin upon the brunette locks.

"I do love you, Emma Swan... You know that, right"

"Yeah, I do. I love you too, Regina Mills"

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