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Regina was now dressed back into her normal outfit, one Rita had gone home and got for her. She was filling out the final sheets in the hospital bed when Marco walked in, lingering near the doorway. Regina flicked her eyes up quickly, easily able to notice the upset expression.

"What's up, Hun" the woman asked, looking back down at the sheets.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Mum is just sorting out your medication and then she'll be in" Marco mumbled, leaning his body against the frame.

"Don't lie to me, you know you can't" Regina sternly simply said, still not looking up at the boy.

"I'm not, she is sorting it" Marco replied, appearing confused at the woman's comment. Regina merely flicked her eyes up at the young boy, showing she wasn't convinced by that. "I don't want to talk about it"

"Why not? Something between you and Ben" Regina softly asked, placing her forms onto her lap as she looked at him.

"We have been trying to make it work but I don't think he wants it to. He keeps telling me that I don't trust him and, you know, maybe he's right" Marco shyly replied, avoiding his mother from seeing the teary eyes he had. "Mum, he knows I can't trust people very well, I'm so use to hiding everything that it's hard to let anyone in"

"I know you do, I had the same problem with your mum. Me and her are still working so hard to love and trust each other... It just takes time. Invite him to the bar tomorrow and let me talk to him; I have experience in deal with emotionally distance Swans" Regina replied, giving a small chuckle at the end to cheer the boy up.

"Thanks, ma. I just really don't want to loose him" Marco simply said, a crack just about heard in his tone.

"Come here, come give me a hug" Regina said, standing from the bed with a slight stretch due to her pain. Marco quickly walked over and into her arms, holding his other mother tightly. "Don't worry so much, these things take time"

The pair just stayed in each others arms, neither wanting to let go. Both used the other to comfort any troubles they had, knowing it always work. Emma got to the door with Regina's medication, going to speak when she saw them. Nothing in the world could make Emma's heart warm the way them two hugging did; it was always the best feeling. She smiled a little and knocked on the door, catching their attention.

"You ready to head home? Rita is out in the car now" Emma asked, stepping a little more into the room.

"Yep, just need to give these to the nurse on our way out" Regina replied, turning to grab the few forms on the bed.

She then took Marco's hand and walked towards the door, doing the same to Emma's as they left. They felt as though they were a happy little family walking out the hospital, all knew that could possibly change within a few hours. They headed towards the car and began loading in; Mills' at the front and Swan's in the back.

"Right, let's go" Rita said with a smile, starting up the car to leave.

"Are those my jeans" Regina asked, looking down at her sisters pants.

"Yeah, they are so comfy and look so good" Rita replied, smiling as she glanced down at them.

"I know, that's why they are mine. How much of my clothes did you help yourself to while picking out this outfit" Regina asked with a slight frown, aware of what the woman was like.

"Oh, don't get your knickers in a twist, we are allowed to share" Rita sighed, brushing off the brunettes question.

"Can I borrow your cute dress that you spend $200 on" Regina questioned, already knowing the answer.

"You spent $200 on a dress" Emma asked in shock, looking at the woman like she's crazy.

"Yeah but I've saved that much money and more from that dress" Rita replied with a smirk, thinking of the many nights she'd had wearing it.

"Plus a pregnancy scare" Marco added, chuckling as he did so.

"What" Regina quickly asked, snapping her head to her younger sister.

"Marco, I told you that in confidence. Besides, I wasn't, I just thought I was" Rita huffed, glaring at the boy before the road.

"You really are an idiot sometimes" Regina sighed, rolling her eyes at the woman.

"Hey, you have way more than I ever have" Rita sternly said, not too impressed by the insult.

"I haven't had one in the last three years"

"Because you haven't been able to get pregnant in the last three years"

"Shut up, still counts" Regina pouted, a small giggle as she knew she didn't have a point. The car laughed at the conversation, all finding it amusing when the Mills sisters argue. Regina just focused out the front window and let her mind wonder. "I might finally get my driver's license"

"That would be pointless, you don't have a car" Emma questioned, looking a little confused at the woman.

"I don't say the same to you when you buy a bra" Regina simply replied, giving a sassy look over her shoulder.

"Oh, shit" Rita commented, her and Marco practically bursting out with laughter.

"Oi" Emma growled playfully, unable to help her slight laugh.

"I'm serious though, I might as well get my license; I already know how to drive" Regina cut in on the laughing, knowing she laughs on the inside.

"How do you know how to drive" Marco asked, having assumed the woman could already drive.

"Reina taught me for a few months but I just never ended up doing the test" Regina replied, unable to remember why she never did it.

"You might want to do a few lessons though, Gina" Rita said, still trying to calm her laughter down.


"Cause your shit"

Regina slapped her sisters shoulder at the words, giving a small chuckle on the way. The car all laughed as they arrived at the bar, soon enough filtering out. Each held onto their laughter a little longer this time, aware that something bad is about to begin.

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