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Regina and Emma had arrived at the hospital, Rita and Marco in the car following. The brunette headed straight to the front desk while the other two got Emma out the car.

"Hi, my girlfriend is in labour" Regina quickly said, growing worried and excited all at the same time.

"Congratulations. What's her name" the receptionist happily said, getting the forms up on the computer.

"Emma Swan"

"Yep, got her. Ooo, she's very early. We can fit her into room 6"

"Yeah, hey, hi" Emma exhaustedly said, using the counter to hold herself up.

"This must be our mummy to be" the receptionist commented, gesturing for the wheelchair to be brought over.

"How'd you guess" Emma chuckled, rubbing her stomach to help sooth the pain.

"Here, take a seat and we will get you straight to a room" a nurse said, helping the blonde into the wheelchair. She led the way as they all followed, each growing just as excited. "Right, let's get you in here and the midwife will come and examine how far along you are"

"Thank you" Regina said with a smile, watching as she left.

"I told you already, this is going to be a long labour" Emma said, sighing as she rested in the bed.

"Me and Ben have packed all my stuff up ready to switch places" Marco informed, knowing they weren't expecting the twins for another month.

Marco was moving down into Regina's place and the couple were taking upstairs. It had more room and a second bedroom for the babies to stay in. They all knew Regina's places was far too small for a baby, let alone two.

"Awe, thank you, kid" Emma said with a smile, reaching out to hold his hand.

"Are you excited" Rita quickly asked, showing off her own enthusiasm towards this.

"Yeah, I can't wait to finally meet thes- Aarrrr, shit" Emma cut herself off, a painful contraction hitting her.

"That was a lot closer" Regina said with a nervous smile, rushing to the blondes side for comfort. "Only about a minute from the last one"

"That was a big jump" Emma said, almost confused by how quick that one came.

"Hi, all, I'm Janey, the midwife" a woman introduced, entering the room with a smile. "Right, let's see how far along we are"

"Her contractions were just a minute apart" Regina said, growing more excited to meet her babies.

"You are at 8cm" Janey informed, looking up at the, now, shocked blonde.

"Seriously? I thought this would take a lot longer" Emma said with confusion, knowing they had been further apart all night.

"Lots of things can endure and speed up labour to be honest. I mean, everyone knows the best one is sex" Janey said, standing up from between the woman's legs. Both Regina and Emma just looked at each other, trying so hard not to laugh. Rita caught sight, bursting out into a fit of giggles. "I take it that's what done the trick"

"Oh god" Marco disgustedly said, turning his nose up at the thought.

"I'll leave you guys to for a few minutes and will come back to check. Once you're at 9, we will take you to the delivery room" Janey said with a chuckle, finding the boys reaction funny.

"Thank you" Emma said with an awkward smile, not expecting that weird turn.

"So, have we discussed any names" Rita asked, sitting on the armchair with a wide grin.

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