3.01: a new start

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Eyes couldn't help but follow probably the strangest duo Kunugi had ever seen. Laxus Dreyar could not help but draw attention to himself, it was only natural. While Nox, in her Soul Form per normal, drew short-term attention to herself. When people looked at her, it was distinctly magic. All she ever got was a look and maybe a double-take.

But attention stuck to Laxus like he was a magnet. Which could make travel difficult at some points. At least neither of their expulsions had been made public, so people still recognized the both of them at Fairy Tail members. At least, no one had said anything to their faces yet. If they had, Laxus would have to go through the awkward explanation that they were no longer Fairy Tail wizards.

It had been a couple weeks since the Fantasia Parade, and the two were wandering around Fiore. They hadn't completely decided where they wanted to go, but were just wandering around instead. Only once had they returned to Magnolia, which was a week ago after they had to re-organize their route because some sparky asshole had taken the wrong map. So, they returned to Nox's house in the dead of night and grabbed a different map as well as taking a shower and changing clothes.

But now, the two were crossing through the uneven cobblestone streets of Kunugi, making a supplies stop before they planned on going west. They had decided to move as far from Magnolia as possible for now, and the topic of leaving Fiore entirely came up a few times. Though nothing of that matter had fully been decided.

"We need to get food for the road." Nox said softly, quietly enough so only Laxus would hear her.

"We can hunt." Laxus huffed.

"Not for everything. Need I remind you how bad you are at foraging?" Nox retorted.

"I can forage just fine, dumbass." Laxus argued.

"No you can't."

"Yes I can."

"Screw off, we're going to the corner store." Nox retorted.

Laxus huffed but didn't say anything else, allowing Nox to lead the way. As they entered the corner store, Nox reverted back to her corporeal form. Immediately, they stood out in the store, clearly travellers and not locals.

"I'll go get my stuff, you get yours." Laxus said, before taking off down the aisles.

Nox nodded, heading towards the produce section and immediately began filling paper bags with root vegetables, mushrooms, and so many apples.

It didn't take them long to gather everything they needed, and upon reaching the till, they both took their wallets out simultaneously. They stared each other down (well Laxus mostly, seeing as she couldn't really look down at him normally), neither willing to relent.

"I'm paying."

"No I am."

Laxus's face settled into a glower, and he saw Nox's mask shift in a way that told him that she was clenching her jaw.

"Shut up."

"Shut up."

A high-pitched giggle broke their attention, the two of them turning to look at the shopkeeper in unison. The older woman was short, and had a hand resting over her lips to stifle her giggle.

"Young couples these days are so adorable." The shopkeeper smiled.

Both mages went completely rigid at her words, clearly not expecting that. Neither of them knew how to react to what as just said. They had never had

What the hell? He's my best friend not my boyfriend, what is her thought process?!

"He's not my boyfriend..." Nox said after a pause.

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