1.1: the job of an assassin

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The air was crisp as an entourage of people powered through the untouched forest. No one had visited this part of Fiore in a long, long time. The group was lead by a tall man in purple ropes, with tan skin and distinct black hair. The group approached the mouth of a large cave, that was covered in thick layers of runes.

"Ah. Here it is." The man spoke, a cruel grin on his face. "Begin men."

The four men accompanying the man nodded, walking forward and beginning to dispel runes. The leading man watched them work with a grin on his face. He was so close to finding what he had been searching for since he was a boy, and once it was his, he'd be closer to taking down Fairy Tail, his ultimate goal.

Grinning at the rapidly disappearing runes, he watched and waited for the moment to come. Eventually, the protective runes fell as the sun began to set and the man walked into the cave. The interior was massive, and almost completely pitch-black. Ivan sent up a small fire spell, lighting the cave up. Eventually, the light touched something that wasn't rock, reflecting off it slightly.

Knowing he had found what he had come for, he approached the object that glinted. It turned out to be a large glass coffin containing a small sleeping girl with pointed ears. She couldn't have been more than five or six and had light pink hair that tumbled to her shoulders. She had a round pale face and prominent natural dark circles. A silky black dress with silver accents adorned her body, and a silver circlet sat on her head.

"Master Ivan? Is that it?" One of the mages asked.

"Yes. That's it. Extract her from the coffin."

The mages did so, and soon the small girl was lifted out of the coffin. As she was set on the ground at Ivan's feet, the small girl began to awake. Her eyelids fluttered open to reveal bright red eyes. She backed away from Ivan in fear.

"Vaneoi." The girl said, in an unfamiliar language to everyone in the room.

"Dear child, I know you can speak our language." Ivan drawled. "There's no use your language. No one will understand you."

The child said nothing, getting to her feet and glaring at the man.

"Where are my people." The little girl demanded.

"They're gone little girl. You're the only one left alive, surely you must have known with the war and all?"

The small girl flinched at the mention of the war. She hesitated, before looking back up at Ivan.

"So I'm truly the last of the Dark Elves?"

Sputtering, the girl collapsed on the cold ground. A harsh kick landed on her side, courtesy of her "saviour", Ivan Dreyar, the Guild Master of Raven Tail.

"Get up you insolent child! I didn't pick these low-lives off the street for you to practice on for you to disobey me!" Ivan barked, picking the girl up by the back of her shirt and dragging her over to the restrained man looking at her in fear. "Now do it."

The elven girl possessed a formerly extinct form of magic called Soul Magic, which was the true reason why Ivan awoke the girl. Soul Magic was incredibly useful yet dangerous magic that was created and used by the Dark Elf Race. It was a form of magic shrouded in mystery, as it secrets had been buried with the annihilation of the Elves at the hands of the humans 100 years ago.

Shaking, the small girl walked closer to man, wincing at his muffled screams. Lifting her palms, her small and broken voice echoed through the chamber.

"Devour Soul."

The man's muffled screams got louder as his body felt like it was being ripped apart. Blinking back tears, the girl gathered her courage and focused more magic energy into the spell as a blue hue began to be separated from the man's body.

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