1.3: laxus

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It had seemingly come out of nowhere. For the rest of the guild, the appearance of a strange floating black orb the size of a soccer ball that would hover around Laxus or Makarov all the time was startling. Some of the older members worried for the safety of the guild, while some the kids complained about Laxus hogging the ball.

Though after Makarov stepped into explain that the floating black orb was in fact a new recruit to the Guild who didn't like showing their face, they Guild calmed down. Since the Guild wasn't told the new member's name, they began to be referred to by the Guild as Shadow. Cana had come up the name, and it just hung around.

Unknown to the Guild save for the two Dreyar men, the floating black orb was Nox. Her Soul Magic allowed her to drop her physical body and remain simply as her soul. It let her hide easier, and she didn't have to worry about being judged for her race. So, whenever she was around people that weren't strictly Laxus or Makarov she kept this form. Sure, the Dreyar men found it strange at first, but chose not to question it.

Speaking of questions, Laxus had many. Nox had been at the guild for four months now, and a officially a member for three. She had stayed around him or his Grandfather anytime she was at the Guild, despite now living in the Fairy Hills dorms with the other female guild members. She almost never spoke, choosing to silently observe the antics of Fairy Tail. While Laxus liked not being bothered, part of him wished he could hear her voice more. She only ever talked when they were alone or within the secrecy of Makarov's office. Those were also the only times she regained her physical body, which gave Laxus even more questions. When she had arrived at Fairy Tail, she was dressed in worn black clothing that was clearly the only clothing she had. The Fairy Hill Matron, an old grumpy woman named Hilda, had given the girl some secondhand clothing. Normally, she wore a dark grey long sleeve with a thick-strapped sleeveless dress overtop and black sneakers. Though, Nox hadn't ditched her large hoods that obsuruced every part of her face that her cloth mask didn't cover. Apparently, the girl could sew and removed the hood from her old clothing and attached it onto her dress.

Sighing as he leaned against a pillar, the moody teen tried to think of something else. Ever since Nox had showed up, questions about the mysterious girl plagued his mind a majority of the day. Deciding to get some answers about her, he looked over to the orb that was floating overhead.

"Do you wanna get some lunch and go?" Laxus asked Nox.

Nox floated down, so she was eye-level with the him.

"Sure." Nox's quiet voice came from the orb. For some reason, her Soul Form caused her voice to be distorted and neutral. "Your turn to pick."

Laxus nodded, pushing off the wall and walking over to the bar. At first, it had been a little strange talking to a floating orb that had no facial features but could talk. But then, he realized it was just like talking through the communication lacrima in his grandfather's office. Only he liked it better, because Nox was an actual person and not a shiny magical crystal ball.

Reaching the bar, he quickly ordered some food for the two of them. Again, in silence, the two of them left the Guild Hall, wandering out to the edge of the East Forest. There wasn't much here, so it didn't really interest Laxus. But, since it was one of the few places Nox felt comfortable enough to stay in her physical body, he made do. Besides, no one bothered them out here.

As they reached their usual clearing, a familiar pop sounded as Nox transformed back into her physical body. She was slightly taller from when they had first met. Laxus had a sneaking suspicion that she hadn't been given the proper food back at Raven Tail, and now that Makarov was making sure she was eating enough in a day, she could actually grow past the height of a small child.

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