As I was doing a little victory dance... I was cut out from a very painful hit in the back and a loud crash was heard.

I really can't believe it... I was so confused... I thought that my eyes were deceiving me... But it was real... I was starting to believe in voodoo magic... And doubt if logic was real or not. Why?

Cuz I swear to god...


Okay lessons learned don't celebrate too early that you avoided a truck or Truck-sama might get angry and literally yeet you to the other side of the street.

Is this the reason why Truck-sama has never failed it's job to isekai someone in those isekai kind of anime...?

Or this is just lag in real life...?

No words can compare my confusion right now and I am starting to doubt reality and my life...

Wait... was my life real from the start...?

3rd POV

As our dear protagonist heave his last breaths his last thoughts was...

'ah... Is this how I'm gonna die...? By a truck...? Or should I say Truck-sama...? This is some cliche crap going on here... Don't tell me I'm gonna be isekaid or some crap like that... And if that happens... I'm not gonna trust logic anymore...

Fuck logic...'.

And he DIED.


We see a man I in a very clear white void... Alone... Nothing but silence as his company... And now he is very confused of why is he here...

Now he's questioning if this is heaven or not...

"where am I...?" he questioned no one in particular.

But suddenly someone or... Something answered his question...

*(/You died\)*

1st POV

The fuck is this...?
I what..? Okay if I'm dead... Then why am I even standing here...? I can clearly see my hand and feet... And feel them as well...

And your telling me I'm dead?

*(/Please make three wishes. And if you are done this please select a world where you will be reincarnated in.\)*


Okay that's it.
I'm done, logic doesn't exist In my dictionary anymore.

Yeah I don't know who the fuck logic is..

Maybe I don't even know what reality even is now because of the bullshit that is going on right in front of my eyes!

Ah. I feel I'm one of those isekai protagonist that is going to save the world from evil... And I don't even want that!

If I die, I just want a peaceful rest please...

Vast Sand (Bleach x M! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now