"You better start talking. I'm not playing this damn game with either of you," I added.

"Michael, God damn, dude. You are so fucking stupid. You are talkin' to Caleigh, but yet you are worried about where Ashland is when she's safe, warm, and perfectly fine with me and at my place. You don't even really give two shits about her and it fucking shows! Your actions speak louder than words, haven't you ever heard that old saying?"

I was in shock. Jon was never the type to get defensive, especially over a person. That was new and very, very shocking. I wasn't expecting that out of him, oh man, he's testing me to my limit,
now for sure.

"M-Michael! You better not hurt Jon. He is my best friend and you have to accept that. Besides, you're the one talking to Caleigh so why in the hell do you even care about me or my whereabouts anyways?" Ashland asked, her face now damp with tears. Hearing her voice broke my heart. She was taking Jon's side instead of mine..

"Dammit, Ash, I thought we were supposed to talk this out like grown adults! You ain't gotta bring up Caleigh, she has nothing to do with this!" I yelled at her, instantly regretting doing so.

"You fucking did not just yell at her. You are crossing the line here, buddy. She's been nothin' but good and nice to you, and you still want to fucking talk and flirt and God knows what else with Caleigh! It's literally eight almost nine in the mornin'. Why are you doin' this, Hardy? Why, dude?" Jon yelled back to me. I knew things were possibly going to get physical, and I honestly didn't even care at this point.

Things got heated between him and I. Poor Ashland was scared of it all. This is all Jon's fault. If he wouldn't have slept with my girlfriend, we wouldn't be in this predicament!

"You want to take this outside? Because on God, we fucking will," My nostrils flared up with anger and fury. Jon seemed so calm and collected, which is odd.

"Actually, Michael, I'd like to go outside. You are scaring the piss out of Ash. You go on ahead," Jon tried to shoo me away. Just so I wouldn't scare Ashland anymore, I decided to hurry up and make my way outside into his front yard.

Jon's POV:

I finally managed to shoo Hardy out of my bedroom and house so I could buy myself a little time with Ash. How dare he come unannounced! How in the fuck did he remember that I have a spare key? I told him that ages ago. Dammit, why's he got to be so damn difficult and twist shit Ugh, I don't want to deal with this dude right now!

"Ashland, are you okay? I'm so sorry that this is all happenin'. I didn't know any of this was gonna happen or I totally would've prevented it, ya know?" I asked, my thumb softly grazing her shoulder. I could hear her sniffling like crazy.

"See, I knew it was a bad idea to sleep in the same bed with you this morning, last night, whatever time it was. Please don't get hurt, please don't fight. I don't want you guys getting hurt. Especially you," Ash looked into my eyes, her eyes as red as they could've been.

"Ashy, whatever happens between Michael and I, it's goin' to be just fine. We aren't gonna get into a physical fight. If he makes us, I'm goin' to be pissed the fuck off. I can't and won't do this. Don't think this is your fault. I promise it isn't," I stepped closer to Ashland, her head instantly falling onto my chest.

I quickly jerked her head off of my chest and I laid both my hands on her shoulders. On God, all I wanted to do in that moment was kiss her. That's all I wanted to do. Push her up against the wall and kiss her until we're both gasping for air. Fuck, I hate being in love with my best friend..

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