epilogue | falling like the stars

252 35 48

6 months later

Christmas Eve

Large soft snowflakes fluttered down from the air and I looked up towards the sky, feeling my cheeks growing rosier with the cold. I tightened my tan overcoat around me, a million feelings swirling around me as I looked down at the gift in my hand. I wasn't a professional wrapper by far - I wouldn't admit how many pieces of tape I had struggled with, and the red bow was still a little lopsided. Still, I hoped it was perfect.

A big gray building loomed in the distance, the high steps leading up to revolving black glass doors. A smile came to my face as I pushed the door open, looking inside to see it was decorated. A Christmas tree was in the corner, decorated with glittery red and gold ornaments and fake snow underneath. I ran my fingers across the dark green wreath on the wall when there was a sudden noise.

I turned to see a little girl dressed in a red dress with a big white bow in her hair. The little girl's eyes fell on me and I could see her measuring me curiously, trying to figure out who I was.

"Hi," I said, smiling. "I love your dress. What's your name?"

She beamed. "Thank you! It has sparkles, see?" She said, showing me proudly. "And I'm Chloe. Who are you?"

"I'm Dakota," I said.

Before I could say anything else, a look of recognition came to her eyes. "Oh my gosh! You're her?"

I tilted my head curiously.

"Mr. Ellis always talks about you. We make fun of him for it but... you're just as pretty as he said. I think he has a crush on you."

I blushed. Then I leaned down so I was closer to her height, pretending to lower my voice. "You want to know a secret? I think I have a crush on him too. Just between us, though."

Chloe stared at me with wide eyes before giggling and pressing her hands to her mouth. "Don't worry, I won't tell him." She raised her pinky, extending her hand. "Pinky swear."

I grinned, linking our pinkies. "Thanks, Chloe. Do you know where he is?"

"He's in the practice room," She said. "My sister and I just brought him the Christmas cookies we baked."

I felt myself smiling. Chloe was so adorable, and I could tell how excited she was about the prospect of bringing cookies.

"Let's go, Chloe!" I heard a girl's voice and turned to see Chloe's older sister approaching.

"Coming!" She turned back to me. "Merry Christmas, Ms. Dakota."

"Merry Christmas, Chloe," I said, waving at her and her sister as they exited. The place was now entirely empty, except for me and the one person I had been waiting to see.

I continued walking, suddenly feeling nervous butterflies return to my stomach. I fought the urge to touch my hair, or make sure that my mascara was on correctly. And then as soon as I pushed the doors open, all the insecurities went away.

Ellis was there, dressed in a faded black tank and grey sweatpants, his muscular arms pressing against the bar. He looked just as handsome as always - his dark hair had grown out a little, and the curls were messy. He turned when the door opened, and his eyes fell on me in surprise.


And then, before he could break out into a smile, I was running towards him. He grabbed me by the waist, lifting me up and spinning me around.

"Hey," He laughed into the urgent kiss as he put me down, still keeping his arms tight around my waist. "I missed you so damn much."

"Merry Christmas," I whispered, keeping my fingers tangled in his hair.

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