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~○costume party○~

"So are you comming?" You asked your lover who was watching a movie at the moment for the 100th time hoping for a different answer.

Your friend that you had lost touch with had thrown a costume party and had invited alot of people and asked them to bring a friend or a date.

Since it was a costume party you could ask your boyfriend to come along

"For the 100th time Y/N, no and my answer wont change!" He said clearly annoyed having to anwser the same question over and over again.

"But pleaseeeee" you whined and went infront of the tv blocking his view.

"I'll do anything! Just come with me" you pleaded hoping you had changed his mind.

This kinda reminded you of the night you begged him to go trick or treating so acting wouldn't work twice.

He let out a sigh of frustration before his grey pupils looked to the side as he went deep in thought thinking of a way you could repay him.

"How about this" he said looking at you before holding his metallic hands together.

"You'll have to cuddle with me non-stop and promise to do the laundry, ironing and folding for the 2 weeks" he said as his ears twitched and he turned his head to the side.

Your eyes wided at the request and groand but it was the only thing you could do to get your bunny out.

You nodded in agreement and went upstairs to get ready.

You asked springtrap to go out without cloths so he seemed like a actual living human inside a well made costume.

He didnt want to do it but it finally agreed since he knew he would raise suspicious.

You decided to go as a bunny aswell to match springy and added a little make up to make it more official.

You had already bought the costume and it was hanging inside your closet still neatly inside its plastic along with its accessories.

You took out the white fur and ran your hand though and before placing it on your bed.

You put your hair in a tight bun (if short let it be) and put the white rabbit ears on your head.

You moved the ears side to side to make it on the perfect angle.

You smiled at yourself in the mirror and admiring how well th ears look good on you.

You took the costume and put it on your naked body before going back infront of the mirror.

The beautiful white furred hoodie was sitting well with your thin/thicc/curvy body and made you smile you pulled up the matching white pants and fixed the stretches around your torso.

You looked at the mirror and turned around so you could see the fluffy white tail on the back of the white pants.

You admired yourself and realized how pretty you looked and how beautiful your thick/thin/curvy body sat well with the costume.

springtrap x reader one-shot (Sequel for mechanical hearts)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang