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○~Promise necklace~○

You opened the glass door to the jewelry shop and the little bell making a 'ding' sound signaling the shop owner someone had entered.

You started looking around and looking for something perfect for springtrap and you.

You left him home saying you'll be right back. You never told him you were about to buy him a gift.

You looked at all the pretty rings with different kind of stones of them.

You wanted to find something that was matching so you two could wear it toghter.

You sighed in disappointment and decided to ask the owner for advice.

You went up to the front desk and saw a middle-aged man reading a newspaper while sitting on his stool.

"Excuse me sir?" Your voice caught him by surprise and he quickly put down his newspaper on the desk before having his full attention on you.

"Yes ma'am? How can I help ya!" His deep accents rang thought the quite shop.

"I was looking for something to match with my boyfriend" you asked politely and looked at him.

He looked at the shelves for a moment before looking back at you.

"I have something in the back that I think would be wonderful for you and your mate" he said before walking to a door probably connected to the backroom.

You waited patiently tapping your nails on the desk.

He retured with a small box and stood infront of the desk.

He looked at you with a kind smile before opening the box.

You gasp and examined the beautiful jewelry.

It was two necklaces with half hearts that connects tougher.

On one of the hearts that was on the left it had the letter 'L,O' while on the other it had 'V,E' and when you connects it makes the word 'LOVE'

It was the perfect gift and was beautiful as well.

You looked up to the owner and asked to buy it.

He nodded and brought a bag from under his desk gently placing the small box inside before handing you the gift and collecting the 10$.

It was quite cheap for such a perfect jewelry. But who would complain?

You walked excited and pulled out the house keys from your picked before putting them inside the lock and fidgeting till it made a 'clicking' sound meaning the door had been unlocked.

You slowly opened the door before closing it.

You turned around and saw springtrap peacefully sleeping on the couch.

He had told you he didnt need to sleep but it felt nice so he did.

You decided to put your purse on the kitchen counter before gently shaking your robot lover.

"Springy~ wake up! I'm back!" You voice caused him to wake up and blink a few times before sitting up.

"Hey Y/N" he softly whispered in his quiet voice and pulled you on his lap.

You were hiding the bag behind yourself causing the rabbit infront to get curious and raised a eyelid.

"what's behind you?" He asked and pointed to your behind.

You giggled before showing him the bag.

He got even more confused and gently took the bag from you.

"What this?" He asked as he examined the bag.

"Open to see!" You said grinning widely.

He slowly pulled out the small box and opened it gently as not to break it.

His eyes widened and picked up golden necklace.

You had already worn yours around your neck and it was hidden under your collar.

You pulled up from your collar and showed him the half heart shaped necklace.

"Look! I got a matching one dude!" You yelled with excitement.

He looked at you and his permanent grin seemed widen.

You took the necklace from him and put it around his neck.

He picked up the half heart that had the two ends of the letters and held it next to you.

You smiled and held yours next to his.

You guys stayed in a position before springtrap spoke.

"Thank you..." he whispered before pulling you for a hug.

You smiled into his chest and took deep breaths before getting comfortable.

"You're most welcome"

~○end of one-shot○~

springtrap x reader one-shot (Sequel for mechanical hearts)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin