
622 5 0

~○first kiss○~

You were watching the tv that was showing random commercials at the moment before the movie actually started.

You very just staring at the tv screen not even looking at the commercials but just feel in thought.

Micheal was busy making you guys some sandwiches.

He placed them on two plates before walking towards you plopping down the couch before placing the plates on the coffee table.

You were still in thought and didnt realized your lover staring at you concerned before gently shaking your shoulder.

"Huh?" You said while being pulled out of your thoughts at looked at springtrap that was looking at you with concern although It was hard to tell with the permanent smile of his plaster on his withered face.

"What was keeping your mind so busy love?" He asked gently before tugging a starnered of your hair behind you ear.

You just shrugged and looked back at the tv screen as you head was resting on the palms of your hands.

A quiet sigh escaped your dry lips and looked down before feeling the hands of your loved rubbing your back and patting it a few times before pulling away.

You turned and looked at him with a smile and raised your head while placing your hands on your tights.

He leaned in and placed a kiss on your forehead that you wish was placed on your lips that was carving his.

You frowned but quickly smiled again as not to worry your significant other even more.

"I know something's bothering you... please tell me love. You can always trust me with your things" he said his withered hands caressing your soft cheek making you lean in and close your eyes for a moment before re-opening them and looking straight at your boyfriend's grey eyes.

"Its nothings really..." you didnt quite finish as your eyes landed on the TV screen that was showing a scene that one couple were kissing each other.

You frowned and wished that could be you and micheal.

Micheal followed your eyes and they landed at the same screen before they pulled apart and continued sharing their love.

He looked back at you only to see your beautiful E/C eyes focused on the tv screen.

He sighed before gently holding your chin and tilting your head upward making your eyes meet.

His phantom smile seems brighter then usual and his eyelids seemed like a frowning position.

You smiled as not to worry him picked up his other hand placing a small kiss on the metallic palm making him chuckle.

His hand that was holding your chin was gently placed on your cheek before rubbing it with his thumb making you smile bigger.

He slowly leaned in making you confused and look at him with a raised eyebrow.

Your eyes were no longer half lided but wide as his fabric 'lips' were gently placed on your lips.

He wrapped his other hand around your wrist pulling you closer to him.

You started closing your eyes as your lips started moving in sync with his.

You smiled through the kiss and wrapped your arms around his metallic neck and pulled him closer.

After what felt like eternity you two pulled away slightly panting as springtrap and you gently placed your forehead against each other and enjoying each others company.

You closed your eyes trying to process the whole thing and a huge smile was built up your lips making his metallic heart almost melt.

You opened your eyes again and looked at him with love before placing a quick kiss on his 'lips' once again before pulling away quickly not letting him react at all.

He looked dumbfounded before chuckling and pecking your forehead and pulled you on his lap snuggling closely forgetting the playing movie on the background.

You both ignored everthing around and didnt care. All that matter right now was the love and affection you two shared.

~○end of one-shot○~

springtrap x reader one-shot (Sequel for mechanical hearts)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora