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"Oh dear~" you amazing lover called out.
"Yes love~" you cooed out before leaning your head on his shoulder.
You felt his hand wrap itself around your wrist pulling you closer and placing his head on your head.
His rabbit ears were tilted as he was leaning his head and you could hear his mechanics running.
You closed your eyes and enjoyed the breeze.
You felt your boyfriend pull away and placed his big hand on your cheek turning your head to the side so you were staring at his beautiful grey eyes.
He closed his eyes before leaning in and you got surprised but decided to go with it. You closed your eyes as well before leaning closer to the point your noses were touching and then your lip-



You jolted awake from the sound of glass breaking and panted a few times.

You tried to hold your breath to listen if there was any other sound.

After you realized it might have been part of your dream you turned around and was meet with your boyfriends sleeping form. He looked so peaceful and he looked so beautiful in your eyes.

You pounted when you realized it was a dream and you guys never kisses.

You have done cheek, forehead, nose and head kisses but never properly on the lips.

It made you wounder if he was uncomfortable or he just didnt feel like kissing yet.

You sighed and plopped back on you pillow and started at the ceiling.

The cellingfan was going round giving cold air to the room making you snuggle closer to the blanket to keep yourself warm.

You turned to the side and started at your peacefully sleeping boyfriend.

You cracked a smile before caressing his withered cheek.

You placed a small kiss on his nuzzle and looked at his withered face again.

You closed your eyes hoping to fall asleep and it was working you smiled- 'CRASH'

You jolted up from your bed and looked around the room.

Ok that sounded like glass breaking.

You looked back again to make sure your lover was sleeping before hopping off and started walking towards the living room.

For some reason while walking in the hallway you felt as if it was longer the usual but it might have been because of sleepiness.

You yawn and started walking towards the kitchen.

You were about to go inside before you could hear whispers.

springtrap x reader one-shot (Sequel for mechanical hearts)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora