Jade takes a foldable chair, throws it at the wall and it breaks into 5 pieces. She's very angry.

I set my coffee down on the chair next to me and walk over to her. I grab her in my arms right before she could grab another chair to destroy.

"Shh. Settle settle" I cooed at Jade and stroked the back of her head, bringing us both to our knees.

I heard her little whimpers when she put her head on my chest and it pissed me off more.

Not at Jade. At the fact that her closest friends had forgotten about her 17th birthday.

She nods in my chest and pulls her head away.

"Thank you for remembering" Jade says softly.

"How could I forget? I have a reminder on my phone and it's marked on all the calendars I have in my house" I respond and Jade let's out a cute little giggle. I lift her chin up and kiss her.

"I love that giggle" I say between kissing her.

"And I love you" Jade says when she pulls away. We get up from kneeling and leave the black box theatre, continuing school without anymore tantrums.

End of school


I finish my last period of school and walk out of the classroom, heading to my locker.

I turn the corner and I see Dolan leaning up against my locker on his phone, waiting for me. I speed walk up to him and he turns around, with a big smile on his face.

"You ready to go?" Dolan asks me.

"Yep" I reply, popping the 'P'

We walk out school with our hands enclosed together. When we get to my car, I was about to get into the drivers seat but Dolan stopped me and insisted on driving. I didn't argue and put up a fight, so I let him drive.

I got into the passenger side and buckled in my seat belt. Dolan started the car and reversed out of the parking space, then out of the parking lot.


I had one hand on the wheel and my other hand was on Jades thigh, tightening my grip here and there which she let out a shaky breath when I did.

We talked a bit in the car. But we sat in a comfortable silence most of the way home since Jade was still heated from before.

We get to Jades house and we go inside.

Jade and I walk into her room and she closes her bedroom door behind her.

"So, are you taking me anywhere special tonight?" Jade straddles my lap and gives me puppy dog eyes.

"Yes. But, I can't tell where we are going. Just get into nice clothes" I respond as I throw her off my lap and run out of her room.

"Wait but" Jade starts but stops herself, and lets out a frustrated groan.

I run out of the house and go to Jades car. I pop the trunk and grab out a black Nike duffel bag. I close the trunk and walk back into her house.

Addictive ; Jade West x Male OCDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora