Special night

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When I woke up, Jade wasn't in my arms or laying on my chest anymore. I thought last night was all a dream, but then I remembered when I looked around that I wasn't even in my house. So I grabbed a pillow and hugged it.

I could smell something amazing coming from the kitchen. I didn't know what it was at first, but when I finally caught onto it, I jumped up from the couch and ran into the kitchen to see that Jade was making my favourite breakfast, pancakes. I walked up to her and gave her a peck on the lips.

"What are you doing?" I ask her. She bit her bottom lip when she heard the sound of my low and raspy morning voice.

"I wanted to do something special for you this morning" she said in a sweet and innocent voice. I was speechless cause Jade went out of her way to make my favourite breakfast for me and because I've never seen Jade like this before. She's always to mean and cruel. Now her voice kinda sounded like Cats. She also never lets anyone touch her. But for me, I can't ever take my hands off of her and she doesn't seem to mind. I felt loved for once in my life.

"Awe. Thanks babe" I said trying to match the voice the she did, but failed.

"I have to go to the bathroom. Be right back. The pancakes are done their just cooling down" she said in a hurry and ran off to the bathroom. I wanted to repay her tonight for her kind act. So I had to cancel movie plans with Tori.

Hey Tori. I can't make it tonight. I gotta help Jade more with her project.

No worries. Everyone had plans tonight anyways so I moved the movie night to tomorrow. Will you and Jade be there?

Of course we will. See you tomorrow.

When I was done texting Tori, Jade had come back from the bathroom and I needed to start planning for her surprise tonight.

"Do you wanna go to Toris tomorrow night for a movie night?" I ask Jade.

"I'll go only if you go" she replied. "Then I guess your coming" I smiled at her.

Jade left the kitchen to go to her room to get changed, and I started making reservations for a fancy restaurant. Jade complains about the chairs at school being to hard, so I booked a 2 person booth for us to sit in.

When the reservation was booked, I decided it would be best to go and get dressed.

I walk up the stairs and head over to where Jade is. She's in the bathroom connected to her bedroom, curling her hair. But she wasn't dressed and didn't have any makeup on yet.

"We're going somewhere special tonight. Make sure you dress nice" I whispered in her ear. She turned around confused, but I walked away with a smirk.

I went back into into Jades room and walked over to the bag that I had brought yesterday. I opened it and pulled out black dress pants, a black leather belt and a white button down.

I put it on and took one look at myself in the mirror and fixed my hair to make it more fluffy

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I put it on and took one look at myself in the mirror and fixed my hair to make it more fluffy.

I walked out of her room, then down the stairs  to her front door and waited for her at the bottom of her stairs.

2 minutes later, she came down the stairs in a short tight black dress.

"You look

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"You look.....amazing" I said trying to get the words out.

"You too" she replied. I put my arm on my hip and Jades arm looped around it. We walked out the door and I opened the passenger door for Jade. Then I got into the drivers side and drove off to the restaurant.

After the restaurant

"That was amazing" Jade said as we walked out of the restaurant. "Thank you for taking me out babe" she added.

"Anything for you, baby" I said as I kissed her cheek.

When we got to my car, I was about to open the passenger door for Jade, until she stopped me and pinned me against the car door. She gave me a big passionate kiss and it went on for a while. Our lips moved slow and in sync. My hands were behind her back and her hands were on my chest. I put my knee in between her legs and she smiled against my lips but pulled away.

"Let's save that for when we get home" she smirked. We got into my car and we drove back to Jades house.

At Jades house

When we got back to Jades house, I didn't even stop the car yet and Jade had already opened the car door. She ran over to my side, opened my door and pulled me out dragging me into her house. She pulled me up to her room and she closed her door, pinning me against it.

We made out for a minute till I picked her up and threw her on her bed.

The farthest we got was my shirt and pants were off, leaving me in my boxers. And Jade took off her dress, leaving her in her bra and thong. It's to early in the relationship for sex.

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