Smashed mirror

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Trigger warning ⚠️ may include self-harm, harsh comments and suicidal thoughts. If you can't handle any of these, I recommend you DO NOT READ. Just wanted to say that you are loved by everyone.


I didn't really have a happy childhood. I mean my favourite toy was a hammer, you finish the puzzle.

My dad hates me and doesn't support anything I Stan for. My mom hates my piercings and she's never home. But when she is home, I cling onto her like a lost puppy.

My little brother is my dad's favourite. He pays no attention to me, and sometimes he says things to me that shouldn't be said to your teenaged daughter. Some of these comments include,

I'll never forgive you

I'm ashamed of you

You should be more like your little brother.

Those are just the nice ones, that don't really effect me. These are the ones that get into my head,

I've never loved you

You're just a waste of oxygen

Go kill yourself

Those comments effect me a lot. I cry myself to sleep everyday I hear them. I cuddle up to the one stuffed animal that I didn't destroy with my scissors and just cry into it.

Or sometimes, I take a razor blade that I keep at the bottom drawer of my nightstand, and I dig 2-3 deep lines into my pale skin. I usually take a breath of relief when I see the blood fall.

At school

I walk into school and wipe away the leftover tears that I had just cried off my cheek.

When I look up from wiping my eyes, I see my handsome boyfriend, Dolan, by his locker getting some books. He texted me last night saying that he had a math test today, and he didn't want to be bothered. So I kept my distance from him this morning.

I walk to my locker to get my books, and I see that last person I want to see right now, walking towards me. Tori fucking Vega.

"What do you want Vega" I snap at her.

"Jesus Jade. I just wanted to ask if you were okay, but it seems like you're in your bitchy state already. I don't know why Dolan is still with you. He's one of the hottest guys in this school and he chose you? Pathetic. He probably doesn't even love you" Tori rants but shouts the last few parts.

I could feel the tears stinging my eyes as she said that last sentence. I walked away, nudging my shoulder hard into hers, which caused her to fall over. I ran into the janitors closet and stared at myself in a big extra mirror that was in there.


I finished my math test and I though I did pretty good on it. I walk out of the classroom 10 minutes before the bell had rang. When we finish tests early, we get to leave early.

I walk past the class that Jade was supposed to be in, which was science, but she wasn't there. She sat right by the door so I could have the perfect view of her when I walk by. But all I saw on her desk was a pencil and some doodles. I just shrugged and walked off.

I got to my black locker that I decorated with silver chains, put my math textbook and my pencil case in there.

I was about to close my locker, but I heard the sound of glass shattering from a door near me. I follow the sound of shattering glass and it brought me to the janitors closet. I look through the little glass window and I don't see anything when I tilt my eyes to the left.

But when I tilt my eyes to the right, I can see Jade sitting in the corner, with a piece of sharp glass in her hand, ready to dig it into her wrist.

"Jade no!" I shout as I open the janitors closet door. She looks up at me with tears flooding her eyes and she doesn't drop the glass.

"Jade, give me the glass" I cooed at Jade who still had tears coming out of her eyes at rapid speed.

"No! You don't love me! Why do you care?" Jade screams at me. At this point, she was moving the shard of glass closer to her wrist. I quickly, but carefully, remove the piece of glass from her hand and throw it away.

"Jade, baby. What's wrong?" I say in a soft tone. I sit next to her and open my arms for her to lay on my chest.

Jade lays on my chest and cries into it, while I rub her back trying to calm her down. She looks up at me and begins to talk, "Everybody hates me in this world. My brother is my dad's favourite and he hates my guts. My mom is never home and she hates my piercings. Tori thinks I have the perfect little life. But I don't. She has gotten every lead role since she has came here, and I'm stuck playing her stupid understudy. I just don't wanna be here on earth anymore. You can just leave. Stop pretending that you love me."

I looked at her and my heart was breaking to pieces. I swatted her at the back of the head.

"Don't you ever say that I don't love you. I love you more than anything in this entire world and you know that" I say and she lays her head back on my chest.

We sit there in a comfortable silence for 10 minutes, till the bell rings.

"Hey, how about we ditch the rest of school and go to my house. I'll go tell the principal, while you clean yourself up okay?" I say and she slowly nods.

I walk out of the closet and head to the principals office to tell her that Jade and I are leaving.

After I tell the principal that we are leaving, I go back to the janitors closet to go get Jade.

I walk into the closet and I see Jade on her phone.

"You ready baby?" I ask her as she nods. I put my arm around her waist as we walk out of school, into the parking lot.

I drive to my house and park in my driveway. I was about to get out of the car, when Jade spoke in a soft voice, "Dolan?"

"Yes baby?" I answer.

"Can you carry me?"

"Of course babygirl" I say as she smiles.

I get out of my car and go over to Jades side. I open her door as she has her arms extended out like a 3 year old. I pick her up out of her seat and close the car door with my leg.

She cuddled into my chest as I walk inside, up the stairs and into my bedroom.

She took one of my hoodies, again, and a pair of her shorts and climbed into bed with me. I didn't leave her side the rest of the night. I did anything she asked me to, whenever she wanted.

1203 words.

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Addictive ; Jade West x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now