More than friends

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I was driving to Jades house and I started to feel nervous. I didn't know why, I just felt like something good was gonna happen tonight. And I was happy about it.

I pulled up to Jades house and noticed that there was one other car in the driveway. It was Jades.

I got out of my car and saw Jades back leaning against her window. She must've been waiting for me. I smiled knowing that she's a really good friend to me.

I locked my car door, and walked up to her door, knocking a few times. I saw Jade in her window look up from her phone and run out of her room. A few seconds later, I saw Jades silhouette coming from her room, down the stairs. She opened the door and immediately grabbed my wrist, pulling me into her house.

Jade closed the door still having my wrist in her grip. She closed her front door and pinned me against it.

"So we're doing this again?" I asked knowing what was gonna happen next. I was surprised she didn't cut me off this time.

"Yup" she replied. Right after she spoke, her soft lips collided with mine. I could feel her little smile against my lips, I did the same. Jade pulled away and dragged me up the stairs, then lead me to her room.

When we got to her room, I looked around her room for a second. She had daggers, scissors and weird things in water on display. The room was so....her. But my favourite part of the room was a blue butterfly in a glass frame. Before I could take a closer look at everything, Jade had pushed me on her bed. I got more comfortable and leaned my back against her headboard and she slowly came on to the bed to straddle my lap again. We then started to make out again. Her hands found their way to my hair again. My hands found their way to her small waist again.

We made out for a good 2 minutes until Jade pulled away.

"Be my boyfriend?" She asked nervously with shaky breaths. I looked at her with joy in my eyes and she noticed it.

"Is that a yes?" She asked nervously once again.

"No. It's a hell yes" I answered her 2 questions. Jade smiled and placed her head in the crook of my neck. She slowly started giving me neck kisses as I ran my fingers through her hair.

But, as she gave me the kisses, I let out a soft little groan. She lifted her head from my neck and I looked away slightly embarrassed, also turning a bit red.

"It's ok. Music to my ears" she whispered and the redness in my face slowly faded away. She continued to give me the neck kisses until they slowly turned into hickeys. Thank god it was a Friday and I didn't have to be anywhere tomorrow.

Jade got up then says, "stay over tonight. We can watch horror movies, eat food and maybe make out a little more. It is Friday after all." I looked at her with excitement and I put my forehead against hers.

"Of course I will. Parents are out of town for the next few months so I can do whatever I want" I say to her. Jade looked at me overfilled with joy and gave me a little peck on the lips.

"But I have to go back to my place to get some of my things" I add on. "Ok. Be back quick" I nodded then left.

As I was walking out, I wanted to do something special with Jade tomorrow since we were both gonna be alone. I got into my car and started to drive home.


When Dolan accepted to offer to be my boyfriend, I was filled with joy and excitement.

I flop down on my bed and all I can to is smile to myself. I was about to zone out, but I got interrupted by a vibration on my thigh and i immediately picked up my phone to see who it was. But when I picked up my phone, I saw that no one had texted me. Until I lifted my head and looked back to where my phone was. Dolan had left his phone on my bed. I didn't want to pick up his phone to see who it was, but it was so tempting. I just had to.

10 minutes later

I almost went through all of his messages. I set his phone down to where it was and smiled to myself. He has been telling his friends at his old school amazing things about me. They seem to like me too. I now knew that he would never let me down, and would always make me happy.

I got lost in my train of thoughts again, until I heard Dolan open my bedroom door. He had a bag in his hand. He put it down next to my closet and flopped right next to me on my bed.


I walked back into Jades room and saw that she was zoned out. She only noticed that I had came back when I closed her bedroom door.

We both decided to watch The Scissoring; Extended Directors Cut together. Jade had made popcorn and got us both drinks.

I had brought an extra black hoodie that said revenge in white letters in my bag for Jade, which she found pretty quickly because when I was waiting on the couch, already in my comfortable clothes, she walked down the stairs in my hoodie and a pair of black cotton shorts. She came on the couch next to me and laid on my chest.

It was about 20 minutes into the movie, and I could tell that Jade was already getting tired since it was 1:30 am. I slowly ran my finger through her hair to make her more relaxed.

About 5 minutes later, I heard little snores coming from her. So I turned off the movie since I've already seen it and turned off the lights. I gave Jade a kiss on the forehead and went to sleep with my arms around her.

Addictive ; Jade West x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now