Birthday girl

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Smut warning. Phone in both hands


I woke up from the sound of my annoying alarm and actually felt happy for once even though I wasn't in Dolan's embrace. He wasn't at my house obviously.

I swing my legs to the side of my bed and stretch my arms behind my back and arch it. I smile out of relief when I hear multiple bones crack back into place.

I pick my phone up from my nightstand to see if I had any notifications. But I didn't. I shrugged it off and went to my kitchen to eat something.

After I had my small breakfast, I went back to my room to take a shower.

I don't get my hair wet when I shower this morning cause it gets all frizzy and curly when it's drying.

I get out of the shower and quickly dry off. I get some clothes from my closet and drawers, and put them on heading to the bathroom again to add some more curls in my hair.

After I curled my hair, brushed my teeth and did my makeup, I went back downstairs to leave for school.

I walk out my front door and to my car, starting it and driving off.

At school

I walk into the main doors of the school, and I see everyone, except Dolan, standing around Tori's locker. I walk over to all of them and everyone says their quick his and hellos. I nod as my hello and they continue talking.

"Don't you guys have something to say to me?" I ask raising my voice.

Everyone looked at me confused, like I had just told one of those stories about Cats psychotic brother.

"I don't think so" Andre finally speaks up.

"Really? So you guys really don't know what day it is today?!" I shout again. Un fucking believable.

"Oh its Wednesday!" Cat stupidly yells. I roll my eyes.

I throw my hands up in frustration. I can't believe that they forgot. Even Cat! My best friend!

But I get a little more happier when I see my loving boyfriend, Dolan, coming up to the group with a red rose in his hand.


I walk up to the group and see that Jade looks frustrated and is in a bitchy mood. That's when I knew, everyone forgot.

I walk up closer to Jade and wrap my left hand around her waist, handing her the red rose that I picked up after I left my house this morning.

"Happy 17th birthday my goth queen" I say with a smirk and give side eye to the group.

Jade puts on a evil smirks and looks up at me, "Thank you, my love." She places a small kiss on my cheek.

I see everyone muttering words under their breaths, and their faces turning red were priceless. Jade and I could tell that they felt so stupid.

"Uh. Happy birthday, I guess" Beck says, embarrassed.

"Thanks. But next time, remember without someone reminding you beach boy" Jade reminds and we both walk away.

We walk into the black box theatre and I sit down, while Jade stays standing, having yet another one of her tantrums.

"I can't believe they forgot! Even Cat, my best friend for god knows how long!" Jade shouts and I take a sip from my coffee.

Addictive ; Jade West x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now