From a whisper to a scream

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I got back into a comfortable position. But this time, I was under the blanket with my head on my pillow.

Since I had no one to cuddle with tonight, I grabbed a spare pillow from my closet and put it close to my chest, hugging it like I used to old Jade.

When I close my eyes, all I can see is Jade kissing Beck being replayed over and over again in my mind.

I toss and turn a bit, attempting to get that horrible memory out of my head.

Once the memory is out, I go back to snuggling the pillow and let the music fill my brain as I slowly drift off to sleep.


I spent the rest of the day regretting what I had did. I got so angry with myself, that I started punching lockers. Toris locker to be exact.

I fucked up real bad. And I needed to fix this.

When I got home, I tried texting him, but no answer. I called him, no answer. I FaceTimed him, no answer.

I wanted to make things right with him again. So I went to the one person I knew gives good advice with this kind of stuff. Tori Vega.

I went to her house and knocked on her door till she answered. She opened the door and saw me leaning my elbow against the door frame, crying. She immediately pulled me inside her house.

I sit down on her red curved couch and start talking, "Tori I fucked up really bad. I had a free period while Dolan was in math and my dumbass thought it was a good idea to make out with Beck. He ended up catching me in the act and he ran off. I tried to run after him, but he turned around and yelled at me. I just don't know what to do."

Tori looked at me with shock in her eyes. She had absolutely no words.

"We'll have you tried talking to him?" Tori asks me.

"I've tried everything! He won't talk to me!" I cried out. At this point, my mascara and eyeliner were running down my cheeks.

Tori opened up her arms as a sign for me to go into them. Surprisingly, I did. I laid my head on her chest, while I cry out all of my regret. She rubbed the back of my head while saying it's ok and it's not your fault.

I don't know why she's saying this stuff to me. She should me saying it to Dolan. It's not okay and it is my fault. I kissed Beck, he didn't kiss me.

Tori pushed me up by my shoulder off her lap and looked me in my eyes.

"Maybe you should talk to him face to face. Maybe go to his house right now just to talk to him" Tori says and cleans off my running makeup. I slowly nod as I get up from her couch and head to the door.

I start twisting the doorknob, but quickly spin around and make eye contact with Tori.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but, thank you Vega" I say as she suddenly becomes surprised.

"Does this mean we're friends now?" Tori asks me.


"Worth a shot"

I walk out of her house, down to my car think about what I'm going to say to him.

I get into my car and drive to his house.


I was laying down on my bed, still hugging the pillow I had from before. I had woken up from an hour nap not to long ago, but I was still half asleep.

I had taken my earbuds out since it had started raining and I wanted to listen to the rain hit my window. Also the song was on repeat for over and hour and I got sick of it.

While laying in my bed, the house was completely silent. I let out more tears every minute, crying in betrayal.

But then, out of no where, I heard a knock at my front door and I flinched cause that was the sound echoed through the house. I finally got out of my bedroom and walked to my front door.

When I get to my front door I open it and I see the last person I wanna see right now. Jade. She's standing there biting her nails.

I was about to close the door, but she stopped the door from shutting with her hand.

"What do you want, Jade" I annoyingly ask.

"I'm going to talk to you, and you're gonna listen" Jade demands while walking into my house.

I decide not to pick a fight with her and I close the door and we both head of to my room.

Once we get up there, I sit on my bed with my back against my headboard and Jade stays standing.

She looks me in the eye and starts speaking, "Listen, I know I'm probably the last person you want to talk to right now, but I've been wanting to tell you all day now that I'm really sorry" she paused for a second to catch her breath and let out a few tears.

"I will admit, I kissed Beck. He didn't kiss me. I've been mad at myself all day for it. I even put dents in Vegas locker cause I was so angry with myself. I even went to Vega for advice to tell me what to do. And she told me to come here" Jade continued.

She pauses again though and I look at her with a few tears in my eyes. She walks towards me and gets onto my lap, straddling me.

"All I wanted to say was, I am really truly sorry. And I hope that you can forgive me" Jade finishes and looks down to fidget with her fingers. I push her chin up with my index finger.

"I will forgive you, only if you promise me 3 things" I start and she nods, "1, you stay 5 feet away from Beck for the rest of the week. 2, no more lies. I want the truth the entire time. And 3, you have to be in my arms tonight cause I felt really lonely sleeping half hour ago" I finish and she agrees with all 3 rules and giggles when I say the last one.

I pull her face closer to mine and whisper, "Come here."

We make out for a minute, then Jade rests her head in the crook of my neck and I wrap my arms around her back.

"I love you Dolan"

"I love you too Jade"

1,642 words.

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Addictive ; Jade West x Male OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant