Beach day (part 1 and 2)

Start from the beginning

I look into her ocean blue eyes, not breaking eye contact. Jade then pulls me in for a kiss. I place my hands on her thighs, caressing them. Her hands are rubbing the back of my neck. I missed this.

After 30 seconds of making out, she started making her way down my neck. I put my hands on her cheeks, pulling her up and making her make eye contact with me.

"Remember what I said?" I ask and she pouted, nodding slightly.

"Good girl. You can stay on my lap though" I say and she looks me dead in the eyes.

"I was never planning on getting off babyboy" Jade whispers and gives me a peck on the lips before she puts her head in the crook of my neck.

Jade ended up falling asleep on me. I did too with my arms around her back, and my head on her shoulder.

Once I had fallen into my deep sleep, that's when everyone else ended up walking in. Tori saw Jade and I cuddled up on Becks bed. She took her phone out and took a picture of us. "They need to see this when they wake up."

Cat ended up running in and jumped onto the bed. It eventually woke up me and Jade. Jade took her head out of my neck, gave Cat a dirty look then yells, "What the fuck Cat! You woke me and Dolan up!"

Cat looked at Jade and I and apologized to the both of us. I accepted her apology, but Jade just rolled her eyes and put her head back where it was. She didn't go to sleep though. She just sat there breathing in my natural scent and cologne.

Beck continued driving again, and we all made it to the beach right on time.

Beck and Tori got out of the truck and opened the door to the RV.

Cat immediately ran out to go to the bathroom. Robbie grabbed her bag for her and we all left to the sand area.

"Shit. Guys I forgot my sunglasses in the RV. Imma go and get them" Jade tells everyone.

"Ok. We'll meet you there" Andre says to Jade.

We all start walking to the sand area, till I feel a small hand on my wrist. It was Jade.

"Can you wait out here for me. I wanna walk with you" Jade says in a cute and innocent voice. I smile and nod as she runs back into the RV.

Jade comes out with her sunglasses on her head. She walks back over to me and our hands enclose together. We then walk over to where the group was.

Jade and I lay our towels down next to each other, while everyone else was in the water.

"Imma go out my feet in. Be right back" Jade says then goes to the water.

She puts her feet in the water and I slowly creep up behind her. The rest of the group looks over and shakes their heads, not wanting me to die yet. I obviously ignored them and I pick Jade up by her thighs and throw her into the water. Everyone backs up a bit knowing what was gonna happen.

Jade comes back up from under the water. I had the look of proudness on my face as she just looks at me sternly.

"Run. Run fast and far" Jade says in a quiet voice. I start running and she starts running after me. I never knew how fast Jade really was. Till now. She caught up to me very quickly and tackled me onto the sand. She gets on top of me and pins my wrists at the side of my head.

Struggling to get out of Jades grasp, she leans down to my ear and whispers, "Don't do that ever again." I look at her as she comes back up from my ear.

"Yes mommy" I smirk and she giving me a peck on the lips before getting off of me.

We join the rest of the group in the water. Jade comes as well, since she's already wet from the water. I get my body wet, so I'm nice and refreshed. I catch a glimpse of Jade staring at me while I'm putting water on my neck. I give her a smirk, then walk back to the towels.

I was laying down on my towel with my elbows supporting me up, waiting for Jade to come out of the water. I look ahead of me and see a pale beauty in a black bikini coming out of the water. My jaw dropped when I realized it was Jade.

She struts her way over to me and sits on her black towel. I'm still staring at her.

"It's rude to stare" Jade says while fixing her bikini top.

"I'm not staring. I'm admiring" I say with a smirk and she swats the back of my head. I hold the back of my head, whining, faking my pain. She laughs then lays her head in the crook of my neck, breathing in my scent.

"Jade, stop smelling me" I laugh as I try and pry her head from out of my neck.

"No. You smell good" Jade replies while giggling.

I ended up giving up and let Jade inhale my minty scent.

Almost 3 minutes later, I realized that Jade had fallen asleep on my chest. I give her a kiss on the head and let her lay there.

She woke up and looked up at me, blinking a few times to get used to the sunlight.

"How long was I out for?" Jade asks with her tired voice.

"10 minutes" I reply staring deep into her eyes. She sits up straight and fixes her hair.

"Can you carry me to the water and GENTLY let me down?" Jade asks sounding like Cat. I nodded and picked her up bridal style.

I carry Jade over into the water. I go as deep as my waist, and I gently put Jade into the water. She puts her feet at the bottom and she pulls me underneath.

I look around for Jade as I go up for breath. I go back under, taking a bigger breath in, and I see Jade in front of me. The blue ocean really brought out her eyes.

She grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me in closer to where our stomachs were touching. We came up for air and Jade pulled my head down to hers for a kiss.

We kiss for 10 more seconds till Jade pulls away, looks me dead in the eyes and says, "I love you." I look at her with joyful eyes then pull her into a hug, our wet bodies connecting once again.

"I love you too."


After the beach, everyone except Tori and Beck were sitting in the RV talking about Andres Christmas song that he has to write.

We all got back to our houses. I stayed at Jades since both of our parents weren't home.

We were watching The Scissoring on Jades TV in her living room, and Jade was snuggled into my arms. I gave her a couple of kisses on the forehead here and there.

When the movie ended, Jade was already peacefully sleeping. I turned of the TV and carried Jade up to her room. I put her in her bed and I got in beside her. I pulled the blanket over the both of us, gave Jade another kiss on the head, then drifted off to sleep.

1,906 words


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