Glamping (part 1 and 2)

Start from the beginning

We walk in and say hi to everyone. Robbie, Cat and Andre were in the back, while Beck and Tori were seated in the front. Once we close the door and get comfortable, Beck begins to drive.

It's about 2 hours into the drive, and Beck pulls up to a gas station for a pit stop. Cat immediately runs out of the RV, into the gas station to go to the bathroom. While me, Jade, Andre, Robbie and Tori go inside to get some snacks for the road. Beck stays behind filling up his truck with gas.

We all came back to the RV with a bag of snacks for each of us. We all sat down and Beck began to drive again. I ended up eating half of my snacks.

All of a sudden, the RV comes to a stop and we hear Beck turn off the truck.

Beck and Tori open the RV door and say, "we're here!" Everyone get out of the RV and we see the 2 cottages and there about 30 feet apart from each other.

"Me and Jade discussed who is sleeping where in my car" I say to everyone. They all suddenly looked interested.

"In the first cottage, we have Tori and Beck in one room, Cat and Robbie in the other room and Andre can crash on the couch. That leaves me and Dolan, alone, sleeping in the other cottage" Jade repeats and everyone looks at her just as impressed as I was.

"Wait, how come you guys get your own cottage?" Robbie complains. "Would you rather sleep in the woods? Cause I can make that happen" Jade snaps at Robbie. I put my head down and giggle to myself. Robbie slowly puts his hands up surrendering and apologized.

We all walk to our cottages and put our bags down. Jade storms in and immediately runs to the bedroom.

I was worried that something had happened, so I follow behind her. I walk towards the bedroom so I am now standing in the door frame. Jade wasn't on the bed.

"Jade" I call out for her. I take a couple steps into bedroom to examine the room more and Jade immediately tackled me onto the bed.

She was on top of me and she pinned my wrists down at the side of my head. I was laughing trying to get out of her grip, but she was too strong today.

She tightened her grip on my wrists more until I calmed down. I caught my breath and just stare into her eyes.


I stare intensely into Dolan's eyes while silence filled the room. I slowly start moving down closer to his face to where we were practically breathing the same air.

We were so close, I could feel his minty breath against my face. It was teasing me. I let go of his wrists and put my hands at the sides of his head.

He lifts his right hand and pushes a strand of hair behind my ear. I grab the back of his neck, and pull him in for a kiss.

Our lips move in a slow synchronized motion, till he pulls away cause he saw the small silhouette of Cat outside our window.

"She can't see this. She'll me traumatized for life" Dolan says and I nod.

I lean down close to his ear and lowly whisper, "we'll finish this later. I'm not done with you McCay." I get off of him and I can't tell that he was turned on by the not so little erection going on in his pants. I smirked and walked into the bathroom.


I got up from the bed as Jade walked over to the bathroom.

I heard a repeated small knock at the door. I walk over to the door and open it to reveal a small and happy little red head.

"Hiiii!" Cat screams in her high pitched voice. I nod my head upward as a hello.

"Beck is gonna light a fire so we can roast marshmallows. Are you and Jade coming?" She asks.

Addictive ; Jade West x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now