Chapter 23

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I fell asleep crying in Kagami's arms. When I woke up my whole body felt heavy, like a ton of bricks were on top of me. I looked at Kagami's sleeping face. He stayed all night to make sure I was ok... I'm not worth this love.

I slowly untangled myself from his arms and went into the bathroom. I liked in the mirror and saw a horrid sight. Me. I had smeared my makeup and had blood shot eyes. Even my cheeks were stained with lines from my tears. My hair was in a mess and I had a pounding headache.

Kagami walked in... Without knocking! "KAGAMI!" I said in a surprised voice. I mean it's not like I was changing or using the bathroom but he didn't know that. "Hmm what?" He said in a sleepy voice. His eyes were just barely opened as he sauntered towards me. From behind me he wrapped his long, muscular arms around my waist and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.

"Morning. You want breakfast?"
Not really, I didn't have an appetite right now. I tried not to think of the memories of my Uncle and I making breakfast for my Aunt. I'd make the pancakes and he'd make the eggs. Together we'd bring them to her room and surprise her with a 'breakfast in bed.' She'd always smile and let me eat some of her breakfast with her, but she wouldn't let my Uncle.

I smiled with tears in my eyes at the memory. It hurts to have those you love taken away and you couldn't do anything to save them.

"Hey, you ok Nova?" Kagami asked.
"Um I don't know." My face went blank again, free of every emotion.
"Well I'll make some food and if you're hungry you should eat." He let me go and walked out of the bathroom. It felt colder without his warmth.

...Wait a second... KAGAMI CAN COOK!
I ran out of the bathroom and saw him in the kitchen with my pink apron on. He was making all sorts of breakfast goodies. Bagels, orange juice, scrambled eggs, bacon, just everything. He did it all so skillfully. I decided to stop staring and take a seat. I sat down on a stool that was in front of the island counter.
"Since when can you cook?" "Oh well I live alone too, so I picked up some skills here and there."

He finished making the food and put it all on two plates. It was set up beautifully and smelt amazing. We ate it all in silence because we were to busy eating to talk. "*BURRRRP*" "KAGAMI! SAY 'EXCUSE ME'! That was disgusting. Oh I can smell it. Ewww." He chuckled as I continued to be grossed out by this awful burp. After we finished eating I helped Kagamk clean up. "You don't need to help you know. I wanted to do this." He said in a sweet voice. "I know, but now I wanna help you." I gave him a smile. It was the first time I've smiled in days.

Watching and talking with Kagami helped me relax. If it wasn't for him I'd still be a ball of sadness crying on the floor. My heart hadn't healed yet from the news but slowly, day after day, it got better.

Kagami My Hero (Kagami X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora