Chapter 2

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Now my least favorite part of school. The hallways. Hallways were the most trouble for me. No teachers were in the halls so that's when people liked to pick on me the most. Kids had threatened to beat me and other terrible things, but I walked through with a smile. "Don't fight violence with violence" my moms words echoed in the back of my mind.

I didn't live with my parents currently. I was in Japan and my parents were in America. I moved to Japan to live with my Uncle and Aunt because my parents didn't have enough money to care for me. A lot of other people from English speaking countries were also moving to Japan at the same time. Unfortunately one of them was happened to be Bethany. Back in America I lived in New York. Bethany had lived in New Jersey, which could be part of the reason I she hated me. New Yorkers and people from Jersey don't get along to well. Though we hadn't even met each other until we wound up at the same airport, going to the same place. (Jk I have a best friend in New Jersey and a cousin in New York. I love both states :D ) My Uncle and Aunt were always away on business trips so I pretty much lived alone. It didn't help things. Coming to school from an empty home, to a hateful school, then back to emptiness.

All these things ran through my mind and I didn't even realized that I bumped into Kagami. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" I said and picked up his books which he had dropped. "Oh-h um thanks." He started. "Say do you now where Mr.Buster's class is?" "Oh yeah I have him next! He's the science teacher. I'll walk with you and show you." Kagami and I walked from Ms.Carter's class to the upstairs where Mr.Buster' class is. Along the way we made small talk which turned into full conversations. Turns our Kagami used to live in America too and then he came back to Japan. The two of us talked about all the things we loved to do back in the USA. I hadn't laughed this much in a long time. As I smiled I felt like eyes were burning holes in the back of my head. So many people were staring at Kagami and me. I quickly remembered what happened last time I made a friend. My friend Momoi got caught up in my bullying problems and had to move schools. I didn't want this to happen to Kagami. Looking him in the eyes I said "I'm sorry." He gave you a puzzled looks. "I'm afraid once we get to class you can no longer talk to me." "What why!?" My head sulked low enough for my brown locks to cover my face "Just trust me. Don't communicate with me anymore." We both arrived at Mr.Buster's. I quickly walked away and took my seat. Kagami sat across the room staring at me. I felt sad for making him feel bad but at the same time I couldn't get him caught up in my problems. This was for the best.

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