Your Own Choice (Fushiguro Megumi)

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Character: Fushiguro Megumi

Anime: Jujutsu Kaisen

Pairing: Fushiguro Megumi x reader

Fic type: slight angst? Fluff


You were taking part in the Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event and arranged to be part of the group asked to corner and assassinate Itadori Yuuji by Principal Gakuganji, only to find out that Noritoshi went off on his own to attack Megumi. Your eyes widened in shock as you cut through Miwa's and Maki Zenin's fight, telling the blue haired samurai that you would be back.

Upon reaching Kamo's location, you rushed inside the building, only to prepare to swat away two of his arrows as they zoomed straight at you, but zoomed right past you towards the love of your life. Turning around, you were faced with Noritoshi's question "Why did you come here.....?"

"Noritoshi-senpai...! I... I was concerned about your safety, so I came to lend my assistance as-"

"Leave, (Name). You'll get in the way if you get hurt, you should know when to lend me assistance, and here and now is neither the place nor time for such" Kamo said, making you grit your teeth and turn around, preparing to leave your betrothed "Of course...... I will return to where the others are and-" "I didn't take you for an obedient dog, (Name)" Megumi cut in, lunging at you.

The sting of the words hurt more than the wooden tonfa he brought down on your shoulder, but you only swung your wooden sword at him, pressing it up against the tonfa he used to block as you yelled at him "Shut your mouth, Fushiguro!" Deciding to break his tonfa out of anger, you placed your second hand on the blunt back and pushed, exerting more force as you raised your voice, straining against his strong arm.

Finally, you knocked him back, advancing on him without a moment's respite. Slashing through his tonfa at a go, wooden splinters flew from the broken weapon. Noritoshi sighed "I suppose I can leave this to you after all. Keep him busy for as long as possible if you can't make him retire......" "Of course, Noritoshi-senpai! I'll make sure I keep him occupied!" You yelled, dashing at Megumi and swinging your sword at him, breaking his second tonfa as he tried to block your attack.

As soon as Kamo left, Megumi seemed to begin reducing the force of his punches, only blocking your katana with his wrist, his eyes barely watching your movements as he had each and every one memorized, each swing of your sword and every dash, he played it back in his head, sadness in his eyes as he clapped his palms on your sword, deciding to end the pretence you called a fight.

"What have they done to you.....? You never used to be this cold..... (Name), I need an answer to my-" "They opened my eyes, Fushiguro! They showed me what curses really are, and sometimes, it's better to obey instructions than to go off and do things on your own!" You stopped him short, trying to pull your sword free from his grasp.

The much taller male simply moved your katana to one of his hands, hurt flashing in his eyes "Why did you transfer to Kyoto, (Name)? I know you didn't want to" "I transferred of my own volition! What do you mean you know?? You don't know anything! You have no idea what I went through at home because you left the Zenin clan!" You screamed at Fushiguro, your shoulders shaking as tears began to well in the corners of your eyes.

"It's true..... I don't know. But, I want to know. So, tell me" Megumi said, making your hands fall from the hilt of your katana, the tears that pooled in your (E/C) orbs sliding down your cheeks as you stared up at Megumi with widened eyes, your voice almost a whisper as you asked "Huh....? I thought.... You didn't care about anything that happened after we were-"

"And I want to apologize for neglecting you and causing you to suffer unnecessarily, (Name)...... I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you-" "They had me get engaged to Noritoshi-senpai..... After you left, they said it would be better because the Kamo bloodline has stronger Jujutsu techniques than the Zenin bloodline. And they said all that because you left...... I had no issues with ending up with you, Fushiguro. I didn't mind at all" You said as calmly as possible, because tears were still sliding down your cheeks and it was getting even harder to maintain your composure.

"So, instead of telling me, you let them give you to Kamo as his wife? Why did you stay when you could've left?" Megumi asked angrily, turning around to hide the pained expression on his face. Grabbing his sleeve in a bid to stop him, you mumbled, more of your tears dropping onto the ground "I didn't have a choice..... That was my duty as the clan heir. The clan demanded it of me, So I had to follow through"

The black haired male spun back around "So you agreed with them? You wanted this?!" his fingers digging into the skin on your arms as he grabbed your shoulders, making you reply "I must carry out my duties. Whatever I want is irrelevant once the clan head has spoken..... That is my role, to do as I am told..... I have no say in a matter like this"

"If the entire clan wasn't made up of a bunch of cowards, they wouldn't do something like this to you..... I'm sorry for leaving you to suffer like this" Megumi said, cupping your cheek and leaning down towards you, reminding you of the day you both shared your first kiss.

However, you pulled away from him just as his nose brushed yours, mumbling "Noritoshi-senpai..... I'm still married to him.... I can't-" Megumi looked hurt for the most brief moment before he pushed away from you. "Then if you're so concerned about your husband, go over to-" "I never loved Kamo Noritoshi-senpai! I...... I'm still..... I'm still in love with you, Megumi!" You stopped him short, your hands clasped over your heart.

"You seemed so ready to run over to him just now.... So, I want you to choose..... Me or him? Make a decision" Megumi said, staring down at you. You looked ready to cry even more as you mumbled "Please don't do this......." The annoyed Jujutsu sorcerer yelled at you "The clan can't make you do whatever you don't want to, you're a person, not some mindless puppet they created. You're allowed to be selfish once in a while, make a decision by yourself, (Name)...! Make a choice of your own, for your own sake...... So make your own choice!"

"A choice of my own..... I.... I don't want to...... I don't want to be under someone's control anymore. I want to be free, I want to transfer back to Tokyo. I don't want to marry Kamo Noritoshi....!" You said to the taller teen who asked "How sure are you?" , not expecting your instantaneous reply "As sure as I am when I say that I love you, 'gumin!" He smiled at the use of his nickname before gathering you up in his arms and dipping his head, his lips fitting to yours and coaxing you out of your crying fit.

Leaning into him, you returned the gesture, your arms finding their way to his shoulders to hold onto him and keep you stable, more tears sliding down your cheeks as all the emotions you had been deprived of came rushing back into your body, bringing you back to life as you realized you belonged with Megumi, and that you could choose some things by yourself and not let your clan decide your fate.

Pulling away from the kiss, Megumi growled "When this exchange event is over.... we're going to go to your clan and tell them you're leaving. You never have to go back there or see those horrible people ever again" "Thank you so much, Megumi..... Thank you" You mumbled to him, grateful for all his help.

Voicing the one thought repeating aloud in his head as he tightened his hold on you slightly "Now that I've gotten you back, I'm never letting you go again, (Name)" "Promise?" you asked, reciprocating the hug. Nuzzling his face into your neck, he sighed in content "I promise, (Name)....."


I hope y'all enjoyed this one 😊 . I took this idea from my tumble since I've been too busy to write lately 😅 , requests are still open, so feel free to drop some in the request chapter! 😉

Kazumi-chan out!~

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