chapter 10

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"my turn..." i said looking at rafe.

topper looked at the two of us in confusion before i spoke.

"rafe... truth or dare" i said.

he caught on letting his lips form a side smile.

"dare" he said confidently.

"i dare you to let me do a line off your abs" i said.

he lifted his shirt showing his perfectly toned abs.

"be my guest" he winked.

i walked over and knelt down in front of him, tying my hair into a ponytail making eye contact. i watched as he shifted in his chair only wishing this was leading to something else.

i grabbed the bag and formed a line in the crevice of one of his abs. i put the bill against it and shorted, throwing my head back and meeting my eyes back with rafe who's mouth was parted slightly, heavily breathing.

"get a room" topper scoffed getting up leaving rafe and i alone since the other girls had already left.

i looked over seeing rafe just staring at me, a shadow forming in his khakis. i noticed glancing down at his shorts before meeting eye contact again.

his cheeks got red as he sat up.

"i'm going to get a drink" he finished whatever was in his solo cup and threw it on the floor, getting up and leaving me alone at the table.

i pulled a bag of weed out of my pocket and grabbed rafes bong, filling the piece and grabbing the lighter from my bag. i lit the bowl inhaling for a few seconds before releasing my lips off the glass to exhale.

i sank into my chair letting the high wash over as the boy came and sat back down.

"ooo save me some" rafe said taking a sip of his drink.

i turned the bong towards him, handing him my lighter.

he paused before flicking the lighter "wanna try something?" he said raising a brow at me.

"this isn't a sex toy rafe" i laughed.

"jesus y/n relax, although...." he said glancing at the bong.

i stuck my finger in front of my mouth, sticking my tongue out in a disgusted manner.

"alright lean your head in" he said.

"woah buy me dinner first casanova" i said.

he grabbed the back of my head pulling it closer to him.

"i don't ask twice" he said through his teeth.

he lit the bong, inhaling the smoke before putting his hand on the back of my neck. he softly put his lips against mine opening his mouth releasing the smoke. i inhaled the smoke from his mouth into mine, backing away and blowing it into his face.

"how was that?" he asked putting his fingers to his mouth smirking.

"it was cool having a human bong for a sec there" my cheeks went red from what i had just said since that sentence can be misinterpreted.

his eyes widened a bit an evil grin forming on his lips.

"get your head out of the gutter cameron" i seethed.

entangled | rafe cameronDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora