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Namjoon had been in mid dream when he'd heard the continuing ringing of his cell phone. He sat up slowly wiping the drool from his cheek.

His best friend had been calling him for the passed hour. He just noticed why.

He was late, really late.

He pinched the bridge of his nose feeling annoyed. Namjoon was rarely late for his classes. This wouldn't have aggravated him so much if the sole reason of it happening wasn't his jerk roommate.

Surprisingly, said person's room was empty. Even though he'd stayed out so late, doing God-knows-what. Tae hadn't even bothered to wake Namjoon..


Namjoon scurried to his seat after bowing politely to his second class teacher, ignoring the stares he received from his fellow classmates. They were all probably just as surprised to see him late for class.

Before sitting at his desk he caught glimpse of Taehyung's smirk.

Namjoon ignored it, not feeling it even necessary to acknowledge. He knew the maknae only pushed his buttons to get a reaction out of him, so him and his friends could get a good laugh. Namjoon wouldn't give one though.

"Copy these. It's what you missed." Namjoon's best friend said sliding a notebook onto his desk.

"Nice. Thanks, Jiminie." Namjoon nodded to his friend, whom batted his eyelashes and explained how much of an angel he was.

A sharp poke prodded at Namjoon's spine, which made him arch in unease. "Stop." He whisper-yelled to the classmate behind him.

Taehyung scoffed. "Tch. Talking in class; I thought you were an A student." Namjoon's curly haired roommate exclaimed poking at his back with a sharpened pencil using more force this time. Namjoon winced, pressing his lips together tightly to suppress a curse towards the other.

"Stop." He repeated squeezing his own pencil in his palm. Tae's smug laughter rang quietly behind him.

"What'll you do if I don't? Tell on me?"

Namjoon shut his eyes for a moment at the words.

He hated the fact that Tae knew. He knew how Namjoon felt about him, and he used it to his advantage. Of course Namjoon wasn't going to tell on him. He wouldn't do anything that'd cost Tae's stay with him to end.

The older decided to just ignore the maknae. He stared at the clock on the wall above his teacher's head. As soon as class ends, he'd be the first to leave.


"Man, your roommate's an asshole. Why do you put up with him?" Jimin said, the look of annoyance painted onto his face. He swiped his blonde bang from his eye.

Namjoon shrugged and gave his friend a guilty smile. Jimin caught glimpse of it and rolled his eyes smiling in response. "Hopeless." His friend murmured.

Jimin had been aware of the crush long before Namjoon had even thought to tell him. It was obvious. He, himself, couldn't stand the ground Taehyung walked on, and he hated that Namjoon felt how he did towards the guy. Taehyung didn't deserve Namjoon, and that's something Jimin will never stop believing.

"I was late because of him too. Didn't even bother to wake me up either." Namjoon said.

"Can't he just get expelled already?" Jimin found himself saying coldly.

Namjoon playfully nudged the blonde's arm. "You're doing the look again. Come on. I had a shitty morning. You're supposed to be my ray of sunshine remember?"

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