Chapter 10

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Weeks have passed since the incident of Junkyu and Mashiho. They were still not completely normal with each other but at least they could exchange greetings.

Doyoung had been always helping Mashiho to move on for all those days and Mashiho was grateful to the younger for that.

Meanwhile with Junkyu, Mashiho might be the one who had been heartbroken. But that didn’t mean that he had felt any better. Guilt was eating him up for how long he doesn’t know. It’s not like he doesn’t feel guilty now but not that much, thanks to the effort of Park Jihoon.

That day, Junkyu called Jihoon and spilled everything that happened with him and a certain Takata Mashiho.

He felt guilty and sad at the same time. But Jihoon was there to make him feel even a but better with encouraging words.

Junkyu always thought things wouldn’t be ever the same again between him and Mashiho. But Jihoon made him believe otherwise. For example, the simple eye-contact Junkyu and Jihoon had with Doyoung and Mashiho in front of the lift.

Junkyu felt extremely bad seeing the sadness evident in Mashiho’s eyes. He felt guilty seeing how Mashiho’s smile faltered looking at him.

But Jihoon didn’t take much time to make Junkyu a little better. “Look Junkyu-ya, maybe he’s like this now but that doesn’t mean that things will be like this always. He won’t probably have the same feelings for you even after years, right?” Jihoon said with his arm hanging around the younger’s shoulder.

Junkyu nodded with a slight pout crept on his lips.

Jihoon smiled at that, “Don’t worry, Doyoung is helping him to move on.” Junkyu shot Jihoon a shocked expression at that. So Doyoung knew all of it?

“They are in my dorm after all!” Jihoon stated as Junkyu nodded. “For now, let’s go and eat okay?” Jihoon asked as Junkyu smiled like a little kid.

That smile made Jihoon’s heart flutter.

Another example is when Mashiho and Junkyu had to hold hands for a particular choreography. Junkyu felt like blending into the surface of earth.

But when he noticed Jihoon’s encouraging smile from beside, he looked at Mashiho holding his hands. He wasn’t looking so sad like before.

And that day, Mashiho came to Junkyu and greeted him ‘Goodnight’. Jihoon who was sitting beside Junkyu, peeked behind Mashiho and saw Doyoung observing them with a focused expression on his face. Jihoon smiled at that.

Doyoung indeed was helping Mashiho to move on.

Yes he was helping Mashiho. All these days he had been staying in the Japanese boy’s room most of the time. He even slept with Mashiho some days.

He would take the latter outside literally every day. And when he couldn’t, he would make up to Mashiho while eating ice-cream, sitting on the rooftop.

And today was one of those days. Since they had to practice a choreography, they couldn’t go outside. So Doyoung bought two cone ice-creams and rushed to the rooftop while Mashiho was waiting for him there.

“The view is beautiful, isn’t it?” Mashiho suddenly said out of nowhere as Doyoung nodded with a small smile visible on his face. “Just like you, hyung.” Doyoung said as the sides of Mashiho’s lips turned upwards. “When will you stop flirting huh?” Mashiho asked, smiling teasingly.

“Well, flirting is my forte so...Never!” Saying so Doyoung winked as Mashiho chuckled lightly. This kid will actually never stop.

They were silently eating their ice-creams when Mashiho suddenly blurted out, “What about your love life, Doyoungie?” The younger looked at him with a startled look at that, “What about it?” He nervously chuckled.

“Don’t you like anyone?” Mashiho asked with slightly crossed eyebrows at Doyoung’s sudden nervous attitude.

Doyoung wanted to say ‘No’ so bad. He was literally telling himself to deny, “Say no Kim Doyoung!” He thought but his head did otherwise ; he nodded.

Mashiho gave off a cheeky smile this time, “That’s why you were so good at love advice!” He hit Doyoung’s shoulder lightly as the younger chuckled awkwardly. He didn’t like where the conversation was going, it could reveal his secret if Mashiho kept talking about his love life like that.

But Doyoung’s brain wasn’t functioning well that time to change the topic.

And what he was fearing, finally came true when Mashiho asked, “So who is this lucky girl?” He asked. Doyoung wanted to end this conversation as fast as possible. But he couldn’t when Mashiho thought about him being straight.

He just wanted to shook his head and laugh so Mashiho understands that he doesn’t wanna talk about this. But his poor mouth just did otherwise, “I don’t like girls.” He said as Mashiho’s eyes widened in surprise.

“So you’re gay?” He exclaimed as the younger boy nodded and mentally face palmed himself for talking about this topic. “So who is this lucky guy?” Mashiho asked again as Doyoung literally wanted to kill himself for the next thing he said.

“Someone from our group.”

Mashiho literally stood up at that with his hands over his mouth. “Really?!!” He exclaimed as Doyoung nodded helplessly.

“Who is it?!” The shorter one asked with surprise evident in his voice as Doyoung awkwardly laughed.


“I can’t tell you that, hyung.” He said while laughing nervously. Mashiho had a frown on his face but it quickly changed to a wink, “If you need help with that then, I’m here!” He said as Doyoung giggled.

But inside of Mashiho’s head he was thinking about who Doyoung might like.

Wait why is he so curious about it?

Or more like...

Why is he so bothered about it?

Hehe finally this seems like a DoShiho fic :)

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