Chapter 5

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After leaving his dorm, Mashiho went straight to the second dorm of Treasure. He knocked on the door to be greeted by Yoshi who seemed to just finish his dinner. After greeting him, Mashiho’s eyes fell on a particular door and his heartbeat increased.

He slowly went towards the door and knocked gently. He waited a bit before knocking a bit louder this time.

A simple response was heard from the inside, making Mashiho turn around the doorknob.

“Oh Mashi!” The boy said in a cute voice, wrapped around in a blanket with his phone in his hands.

“Junkyu hyung, I brought your favourite snacks!” Mashiho smiled cheekily and sat on Junkyu bed. Junkyu sat up too with a pair pf sparkly eyes.

“Aww Mashi I really wanted it!! How did you know?” He asked already munching on the snacks, handing Mashiho some too. “Well magic!” Mashiho chuckled and Junkyu pouted.

“Okay fine, I went to the convenience store with Doyoung and this caught my eyes.” Junkyu smiled and let out a small ‘Thank you’ while chewing. “Talk after finishing your food, hyung!” Mashiho playfully scolded as Junkyu chuckled.

“Did you have dinner yet?” Junkyu asked as he was done with the food. Mashiho shrugged. “I’m not hungry today..” He said.

Junkyu faced Mashiho and pouted. The younger one raised an eyebrow at that. “Skipping meals isn’t good for health, Mashi.” Mashiho became frozen at that, he never really get to see this caring side of the latter.

“If you love this hyung of yours, then you’ll have dinner, alright?” Mashiho giggled. He held Junkyu’s hands and smiled, “Okay dear hyung!” Junkyu scrunched his nose slightly at that and lied down again. Mashiho felt his heart flutter at Junkyu’s cute action.

But the happiness Mashiho felt soon got disturbed by a certain Park Jihoon entering the room and clinging onto Mashiho.

Mashiho laughed and tried to get out off Jihoon’s grip. Jihoon just scoffed, “Fine I’ll go to my Kyu!” And before Junkyu could do anything, he tangled Junkyu in a hug and started babying him like he does to Mashiho.

Mashiho felt a sudden rush of emotions within him. He didn’t like the way Junkyu was laughing with Jihoon.

“By the way Kyu! I came to show you this comment.” After seeing a fan’s comment on weverse Junkyu broke down in laughter and fell on Jihoon’s lap. They were talking like Mashiho was invisible. He felt hurt by the way Junkyu’s attention was on Jihoon now in a flash.

Sighing he stood up and said, “I’ll go now, hyung.” Junkyu and Jihoon both waved at him at that.

Before leaving the room, Mashiho saw Jihoon smirking while clinging onto Junkyu, as if showing Junkyu was his. He felt insulted and obviously hurt.

So without wasting anymore time there, he gently locked the door and walked to his own dorm.


Lying on his bed, Mashiho looked at his ceiling and the scene from Junkyu’s room kept replaying inside his head.

“Do they like each other?” He thought.

Sighing, he sat up and ruffled his hair a bit. Bottling up his emotions to himself wasn’t helping. He thought about if he could share it with anyone. But at the end, he just sighed.

It was honestly stressing him out but still he didn’t have the courage to come out to someone. He felt his heart ache, thinking about Junkyu liking Jihoon. Cause he knew he and Jihoon pretty much have the same feeling for Junkyu.

While thinking about all these, a sudden knock was heard on his door. Mashiho sat up at that and the door started opening, revealing Doyoung.

“Oh Doyoung-ah.” Doyoung nodded and came inside. He sat down beside Mashiho and smiled. Mashiho smiled back but none of them said anything. Mashiho fidgeted with his fingers which Doyoung noticed. “Did you have dinner yet?” He asked suddenly. Mashiho just shook his head and Doyoung kept silent too.

“Hyung why are you sad?” Mashiho looked up at the sudden question. He shook his head after a bit and said, “I’m not.” A sigh escaped from Doyoung’s mouth.

“Don’t lie to me hyung.” Mashiho sighed, “I don’t wanna talk about it, Doyoung-ah..” The younger one nodded.

There was a short period of silence until Doyoung asked, “Can I ask you something?”

“Go ahead.”

“Do you like Junkyu hyung?” Mashiho’s facial expression didn’t change a bit but he looked at Doyoung’s eyes in complete silence.

Doyoung just stayed still and gulped. He didn’t know what was going inside Mashiho’s head then. After a while Mashiho sighed, “You wanted to know why I am sad right?” Doyoung gave a slight nod.

“This is the reason.” Doyoung’s brows came together at that as he let out a confused, ‘Eh?’

“I like Junkyu hyung.” Mashiho said with almost no emotion. Doyoung nodded slowly but inside he felt a sudden rush of mixed emotion. His heart ached so bad. But that didn’t stop him from squeezing Mashiho’s thigh and smiling at him.

“You’re not disgusted by me?” Mashiho asked looking down to his lap when a tear drop landed on Doyoung’s hand which was resting on the latter’s thigh.

Doyoung smiled. “I’m not.” His voice was so soothing.

Mashiho looked at Doyoung with glossy eyes and smiled too. But his smile faltered in a moment.

“What should I do, Doyoung-ah?” He asked looking at the younger one helplessly. Doyoung just let out a soft chuckle and looked the elder one with soft but inspiring eyes.

“Obviously you’ll fight for your love!”

Kinda feel bad for Dobby :')

This must be crazy love | A DoShiho fanfic ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum