I went into my kitchen to get something small to eat. I wasn't that hungry to I just grabbed a granola bar and a bottle of water then headed up to my room.

As I walked into my room, all I wanted to do was to think about Jade. So I did. I got into more comfortable clothing, and got into my big bed.

I hadn't realized that I had been thinking about Jade for so long that when I looked at the time, it was already 2am. I quickly turned of my lamp and went to bed. I didn't want to be tired for Jade.

The next day

My alarm went off at 6:30 and I aggressively turned off my alarm clock. I immediately, but slowly, jumped out of bed.

I walked down my stairs, walked to my kitchen, got a box of cereal out of the cupboard, and poured myself a bowl.

I finished in 3 minutes cause I wanted to look nice for Jade. Even at school.

At school


I was getting out of my car when I saw Dolan pull up to the school. I guess he didn't see me cause he was walking very fast into the school.

I like coming to school earlier than everyone else everyday just so I can have the halls to myself for half an hour.

I was sitting by some lockers with my notebook resting on my knee. I was about to finish a drawing of a scissor, when I saw Dolan run into a bathroom. I was kinda worried so I followed him, but still not wanting him to see me.

I stand outside the boys bathroom and I lean my ear against the door to listen on what he's doing.

It was quiet the full time he was in there. The only things I heard was him saying,

'You got this'

'Don't be a pussy'

'She probably already likes you'

And I knew he was talking about me. He couldn't have met another girl that goes to this school in the past 24 hours.

I hear footsteps coming towards the door, and I quickly run away in another direction so he couldn't hear me or see me.

I find my way back to the lockers the I was originally at, and I sit back down and continue drawing, waiting for school to start.


I was running into the boys bathroom over and over again making sure I look perfect.

I didn't see Jade all day. Since I didn't have Sikowitz today, I obviously didn't see her there either. She wasn't even at lunch. I decided to text her to see if she's alright.

Hey, I haven't seen you all day. Are you alright?

Yeah. I just don't wanna get distracted. I have a surprise;)

Ok. I'll see you tonight

You too

I was relieved to her that Jade was okay. But I just kept staring at her text cause I just wanted to know what this surprise was.


I went to go sit down with the group for lunch. They all said hi and I responded with a quick hey.

"Do you guys wanna have a movie night at my house tomorrow night?" Tori asked everyone. Everyone nodded their heads agreeing with Toris idea.

"Hey where's Jade?" Andre pointed out.

"She doesn't wanna get distracted by anything today. She has...uhh...art project. I'm going over later to help her" I came up with. But I didn't lie about me going over later. I also didn't want anyone to know about me and Jade yet, so I kept it a dirty little secret. Everyone said ok.

After school

I went straight to my car, tuning out everyone that talked to me or called out my name.

I drove home as quick as I could. When I got home, I fixed my hair and tightened my belt really quickly before I left. I had a little snack, grabbed my keys, then headed out the door.

As I was walking to my car, I was overly excited for what was gonna happen at Jades house. I got into my car, started it, then drove off.

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