Chapter 1

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I collapsed onto the jade-green grass and threw the box I was carrying down next to me.
"Go away," I said bluntly to my twin brother, Aaron who was making his way over to me.
"No," he said, just as bluntly. He thinks as he's 20 minutes older than me he can boss me around. He's an idiot.
I wasn't talking to Aaron as he was the one who convinced mum an dad to move about 1000 miles away from where we used to live.
And all because he caught me and my boyfriend making out. He's way to over protective. My boyfriend, or should I say ex-boyfriend, and I broke up because he said that it would be too difficult for a long distance relationship. I hated Aaron right then and was giving him the silent treatment except for telling him to die, go away or insulting him.

"Look, I know your mad but God knows what would've happened if I hadn't come and saved you," he said smugly, like he was a hero.
Then I exploded.
Not literally, that would be weird.
I jumped up and pointed a trembling finger at him and shouted at him, "don't you fricking dare say that! If it wasn't for YOU," I scream at him, jabbing my finger into his chest,"I would still have my friends, not be a new girl again and STILL HAVE MY FRICKING BOYFRIEND! I HATE YOU!"

Aaron turned pale and shakily stood up. I had never said that and meant it.

"Lil, please-," he started.
"No, Aaron, I don't want to hear it," I spat at him before storming inside.

Once inside I ran upstairs into my new room, tears streaming down my face.
I face planted my bed and laid there sobbing.
About an hour later the tears died down and I sat up. It was about 9pm and I was absolutely drained so I just peeled my clothes off and put on a tank top and some short shorts. I climbed into bed and almost instantly fell asleep.

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