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[ play music above once signalled. ]


"you were tough on her, but whatever happened all
the way back is not your fault. haneul passing away,
was unexpected and saddening yes, but again there
is not anything we could do about it." you somehow
feel as if your so-called comforting seems harsh but
you didn't know how else to comfort someone, with losing their past lover. it was confusing and hard in regards that your partner is grieving, over someone whom he used to love before you.

you didn't mind that at all, because it was all in the
past. you didn't know what to say.

"pardon me if i seem harsh, because that is beyond
my intention. just.." your eyes travelled to the floor while you struggle, to finish your sentence. "just be aware that whenever—" you are cut off as jungkook began laughing at your bewilderment.

he placed his hand over yours, giving it a tight and reassuring squeeze.

"you are adorable." he smiled, and pulled you closer
into his arms. "yes, it's sad. but then again, this is all from the past, and we can't change anything about a
old situation." he spoke.

"i believe that these things happen for a reason and i know for a fact that fate brought you and i together."
you cringed by his odd, however, seemingly loveable statement causing the both of you to laugh.

"i know, it seems strange by the way i'm saying this,
but trust me whenever i really say," the man paused pulling away, and looking you straight into the eyes,
as his fingers remained intertwined with yours.

"you are my priority now." he smiled.

his smile only caused you to smile due to his heart- warming words. jungkook caressed your chin, with
his eyes glued to your lips. the man gracefully pulls
you closer toward, him pressing a fine kiss, against
your plump lips before pulling away right after.

"i want you to know, that i'll always love you." your
heart feels at ease by his words. "i'll always be here,
as your guidance and to protect you." he paused. "i
will most definitely be here for you always." feeling
the softness of his words impact your heart rate, he smiles as he watched your cheeks blush.

however, everything he had just told you had your
mind going everywhere.

the information was hard to take in, considering it
was dohyun who had caused assault toward his ex, haneul. you pitied the girl. she did not deserve any negative outcomes. however it pissed you off being aware that dohyun didn't only harm you but many
other girls as well.

you were just thankful, that he was put into prison
after so many years of fleeing freely, around korea.
who knows how many women were victims or him
and his cruel actions. it worried you.

"may i ask," you pause, your smile utterly dropped
and facial expression, completely blank. "have you
only approached me that day because you noticed?
the first night we met, at your nightclub?" you add.

he nodded, "the reason why i had been so invested
into seeing you was because you were with dohyun besides, i in fact noticed all of your bruises all over
your arms. after had realizing what he had done to haneul i wanted to make sure no one else has been associating with him." he explained.

"however, day by day i've grown fascinated by you.
you made me feel something i've never felt in ages,
and i'm glad i found you that night." he smiles and
you did as well — wrapping your arms around him,
you felt as jungkook brought his arms around your figure as well.

"thank you." you spoke. "i really needed you." your statement was filled with honesty, regarding, those
cruel memories of nobody willing to help you.

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