Start from the beginning

i push myself up from my desk, as haneul trembled
in fear with her cheeks stained with dry tears. she's looking at me, absolutely terrifyingly while i stared straight at her unknowing of what to do.

"what the fuck happened?" i asked, my lips slightly agape due to the sight in front of me.

"he.." she stuttered. "he took advantage of me." her voice was heard shakily and she seemed to be weak due to what she's experienced with sexual assault. i kicked my desk chair back, and ran towards haneul bringing her into my arms, as she breaks down into tears, wrapping her weak arms around my body.

"who?!" i asked, grabbing onto her shoulders, and pushing her away from our hug, to have been able
to see her face and get a response.

"haneul, who did this to you?!" i exclaimed feeling impatience, grow deeper within me, as she wasted countless of seconds without giving me that mans' name in response. haneul tried her best, to refrain from sobbing any more, but struggled.

after a few minutes of her trying to calm down into my embrace she finally relaxes a little bit, and pulls herself away from me. haneul looks at me, with her wary eyes and inhaled sharply.

"lee dohyun.." she spoke. "he did this to me."

i recognized the surname but not the specific name
in general. but, for all i knew, this male had to have been related to the lee conglomerate.

hours have passed and i managed to call in private healthcare along with my parents and haneuls own parents as well. i have explained how we needed to call the police, and get this man hunted down, and arrested for his sinful actions.

however, what pissed me off what that haneuls own parents refuses, to not wanting this situation to end
up resulting in a risky scandal. haneuls parents and
i argued, but my father forced me to stop due to the blatant disrespect. this wasn't how things are really supposed to go. covering a situation up, from being afraid of a defamed reputation was ridiculous.

it made me lose hope in reality. it was sick knowing that these people cared too much about their image instead of others' own health and safety.

the whole entire situation screwed me over because
as each day passed, haneul and i, had to live with us knowing the filthy secrets, our family has done. it is disgraceful and extremely disappointing being fully aware of how our parents handled situations.

because of this, haneul and i have stayed locked up inside our house, and i was the only person, taking care of her. i got up to feed her, get her a drink and help her get cleaned up because haneul has started
to become weaker and weaker, each day.


"and a few months later, that was when haneul was diagnosed with stage four, pancreatic cancer." i say causing y/n's jaw to slightly drop, by my words. "i'll always hold much regret from how i mistreated her back then. she didn't deserve it." i continued.

"she was tired of fighting, and told me that she was disgusted with herself." i continue as my breathing becoming slightly uneasy and out of its pattern.

"so then, she took her own life." a tear slipped away from my eyes down to my cheeks — the subject was hard to talk about. i'd barely, speak to people about this topic, and back story of my marriage.

"she didn't even want to get married either, she was forced into this marriage the same way i was." i said and finished.

y/n grabbed my hand, and brought it into hers, and rubbed the back of my hand with her free one, in an easing and comforting way.


"you were tough on her, but whatever happened all the way back is not your fault. haneul passing away, was unexpected and saddening yes, but again there
is not anything we could do about it." you somehow feel as if your so-called comforting seems harsh but you didn't know how else to comfort someone, with losing their past lover. it was confusing and hard in regards that your partner is grieving, over someone whom he used to love before you.

you didn't mind that at all, because it was all in the past. you didn't know what to say.

"pardon me if i seem harsh, because that is beyond my intention. just.." your eyes travelled to the floor while you struggle, to finish your sentence. "just be aware that whenever—" you are cut off as jungkook began laughing at your bewilderment.

he placed his hand over yours, giving it a tight and reassuring squeeze.

"you are adorable." he smiled, and pulled you closer into his arms. "yes, it's sad. but then again, this is all from the past, and we can't change anything about a old situation." he spoke.

"i believe that these things happen for a reason and i know for a fact that fate brought you and i together." you cringed by his odd, however, seemingly loveable statement causing the both of you to laugh.

"i know, it seems strange by the way i'm saying this, but trust me whenever i really say," the man paused pulling away, and looking you straight into the eyes, as his fingers remained intertwined with yours.

"you are my priority now." he smiled.

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