Midorima narrowed his eyes, he tightened his hand that held hers and pulled her lightly to walk faster.

"Don't say that. You don't even have any interests or hobbies that you could work in. You've already learnt about the company and you're set to inherit it in thirteen years. Your future job is set already and you have permission to decide other aspects of your life, such as marriage, so it isn't as bad as it could be. And you know that as well." Midorima knew his own words were true but if he were to be honest, he couldn't see her inheriting and working in her family company. It wasn't because of her disinterest or laziness but because he knew that she would become utterly and completely miserable. He didn't know why he knew this, but it was just a feeling, different and slightly similar to the one he got whenever she was lying to him.

They continued on their way, silently as before. Soon the apartment complex came into view.

"You should just sleep over. We'll be doing that stupid project at my place anyways." Luna commented dryly as they neared her home.

"I was going to do so without you telling me. You'd probably run off to your ancestral home if I don't stay the night to watch you." Midorima answered her. Luna didn't bother retorting knowing fully well that it was true.

After arriving at her apartment they each went to wash up. Midorima had his own room there, as well as in all of her homes, it came as an addition from being her only friend.  He looked around his room, although he hadn't been in it since five months ago, not a speck of dust was seen. After finishing his inspection, he grabbed his clothes and walked towards the bathroom to wash up.

After washing up, Luna exited her bedroom and made her way towards the table where Midorima was finishing setting up the table to eat.

They ate their food in silence. It was always like that, more than not, Luna was silent, always seeming to be in another place but Midorima knew well that even if that's how it appeared to outsiders, she was still much aware of what was happening around her. She was always observing and always alert.

"Ne Shinataro, are you having fun?"

Midorima looked at her, from across the table,

"What do you mean?"

Luna lazily rested her cheek on the palm of her hand and looked off to the distance.

"Are you having fun?" She repeated again. "Is playing basketball, being part of a team, and going to school, fun?" She added on.

Midorima looked down at his food and looked back at her.

"Did you miss your afternoon nap?"

She gave a lazy smile as she gave a small nod, "Mm, Wa-nii called me, although he doesn't show it, he is having fun. Why else would a person be able to talk over an hour about their club?"

Midorima mirrored her posture and rested his chin on the palm of his hand and gave a minor sigh. Her older cousin, although older than them by only a year, was the most stoic person Midorima knows, he was one of the few people who could make Luna smile, but was also one the few who brought out this annoying persona of hers.

"You can have fun too, Luna. Join a club of your liking and you'll be surrounded by people who also enjoy it nandayo." Midorima answered, pushing up his glasses before getting up and picking up their plates. After leaving the plates in the sink, he turned towards her again and saw that she now had one side of her head on the table with her eyes closed.

"Not interested." Came her lazy reply.

Midorima could feel his eye twitch.

"You really-"

A Very Lazy GirlWhere stories live. Discover now