Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Everyone excited for midterms?" Dame Alina's projection chirped.

Sophie locked her legs to keep her knees from banging together as Dame Alina continued in her annoyingly cheerful voice. She turned to Sunset, and they both squeezed their hands together.

"Your thinking caps are in your lockers, and remember, anyone found without one for the rest of the day will be disqualified for cheating—is that clear?" She waited until everyone nodded. "Good. Have fun with midterms."

The chorus of groans echoed through the air as Dame Alina flashed away and everyone left for exams. Sophie froze, too terrified to move.

Dex pulled her toward the atrium. "Will you relax? We've been practicing nonstop for a week. You're ready."

She nodded, afraid that if she spoke, her voice would tremble.

Her hands shook as she slipped on the thinking cap from her locker. The white cloth wrapped around her head and hung in a point. She glared at her reflection. "I look like a Smurf."

The thick fabric consisted of an amalgam of metals, made to dull telepathic abilities and preserve the integrity of the exams. But the second she concentrated she could feel Dex's voice rushing through her mind like a blast of air, so it clearly didn't work on her. She wasn't surprised.

Does it work on you?

Sophie turned to see Sunset staring at her. 

No, Sophie replied. You?

Not exactly. Do we tell anyone or...

Maybe Tiergan. 

Maybe. You ready?

Yeah. Let's do this.

Sophie and Sunset both gave each other smiles. 

They would pass. 

Grady and Edaline would be proud. 

"I'm nervous," Twilight said, pushing her glasses up her nose. 

"The smartest person I've met is nervous?" Rainbow Dash giggled. 

"Man, then I should be scared," Keefe smirked at Twilight, who rolled her eyes in annoyance. 

"I thought the world only needed one Rainbow Dash?" she said. 

"But I'm Keefe Sencen," Keefe said, faking a whine. "I'm the best there is."

"Then why haven't you beaten me in our prank war yet?" Rainbow Dash elbowed him. 

Everyone couldn't hold it in and started laughing, partially because of their fears of failing. 

"Attention, prodigies," an intercom said, Dame Alina's voice speaking through it. "Please report to your first session. Good luck!"

 "Well . . . here goes nothing." Sophie forced a smile before stumbling down the hall on shaky legs.

She wrote an extensive essay on the human betrayal for elvin history, named more than a hundred stars in the Universe, and won the mind-over-matter debate with Sir Faxon in metaphysics. Tiergan was so amazed that the thinking cap had no effect on her, he gave her an automatic 100 percent.

But her harder exams were after lunch, and alchemy was up first. Thinking about it made her stomach twist in ways that couldn't be natural.

Lady Alexine allowed last-minute studying in detention, so Sophie spent the time mentally repeating Dex's purification tips.

"Will you chill?" Keefe whispered. He waved at the air, like he was trying to fan her negative vibes away. "You're starting to stress me out."

"Aren't you nervous?"

"Nah, I'm awesome at tests. Photographic memory."

Sophie's eyes widened. "You too?"

"You have a photographic memory? Then what are you freaking out about?"

"Because it doesn't help as much as you think."

"Sure it does. How else do you think I got a year ahead? It sure wasn't my work ethic."

"You're a year ahead?" She'd never realized he was younger than Fitz.

"Yep. It's my big claim to fame. I skipped Level One. Kinda like you."

"I didn't skip it. I missed it."

"Same thing."

It wasn't, but she didn't have time to argue. The bells chimed the end of lunch.

For a second she wasn't sure if she'd be able to get up.

Keefe pulled her to her feet. "That means it's time to go, in case you didn't realize. Seriously, Foster, you have to relax. You're going to make yourself sick."

"I feel sick," she admitted, wobbling.

He jerked away. "Thanks for the warning. No need to share that feeling. Look, I'm not good at the serious, supportive thing—but trust me, you're going to be fine."

"How do you know?"

He grinned. "I have a feeling you can do pretty much anything you put your mind to. So stop doubting yourself and go prove me right. You know, so I can brag about it."

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