Chapter Fourteen

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Alden, Della, and the Equestria Girls were already outside Everglen when Sophie and Fitz glittered into the estate. Just seeing the girls with their things made Sophie want to cry even more, but she didn't have any tears left. It felt like she was the reason they had to leave their own world as well. 

"I'm sorry you had to meet me," she said quietly. "Then you wouldn't be dealing with this."

"Sophie, it's not your fault," Sunset said, walking up to her. "This would've happened either way."

Sophie managed to suppress a small smile, but the crying and the whole situation had worn her out. 

"No one saw us," Fitz assured Alden, handing over the black pathfinder.

"Thank you, Fitz. My dear, you might want to let her breathe," he told Della.

Della released her from the stranglehold, and Sophie took a shaky breath.

"Are you okay?" Alden asked, deep shadows haunting his face.

"No," she admitted.

He nodded. "It gets easier from here."

"I hope so." She hugged Ella. "What happens now?"

"Della and I are going to personally oversee your family's relocation. Fitz can help you get settled in here while we're gone."

"Here? I'll be living here?" Hope flared. Living with Alden and Della would be amazing.

Della wrung her hands. "Oh, Sophie, we would love that—we even offered. But the Council wanted you placed with other guardians."

Guardians? The title sounded cold and formal.

"I selected them personally," Alden assured her. "They're good friends of ours. You're going to like them. And Sunset's going to be there as well."

Sunset had forgotten about that. She remembered Della talking about that.

Still, she wondered why the rest of her friends couldn't be there as well.

"Okay," Sophie agreed without much enthusiasm. It was hard to be excited about living with strangers, but she was too worn out to think about it.

"We'll talk more tomorrow," Alden said. "Right now we have to get going. Fitz, Elwin's waiting to see the girls."

Fitz nodded.

Della gave Sophie one more hug before she moved to Alden's side. He held the blue-crystaled pathfinder to the light.

"Where are you moving my family to?" Sophie had to ask.

Alden sighed. "I'm sorry, Sophie. I can't tell you that."

It took her a second to understand why. "You're afraid I'll try to see them."

"The temptation might be hard to resist."

A shiver raked through her as the reality settled into her bones. She would never see her family again. She was an orphan.

"Why don't you take them inside, Fitz?" Alden suggested quietly. "Elwin's waiting for them in the conservatory."

Fitz tried to lead them away, but Sophie turned back to face Alden. "My family always wanted a house with a big backyard, so they could get a dog."

"That can be arranged," Alden promised.

"We'll take good care of them," Della added. "They'll have money, security, everything they could ever want, well, except . . ."

She didn't finish the thought.

Equestria Girls of the Lost Cities (a KOTLC/EQG fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن