Chapter Three

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"So..." Pinkie said. "Are all nine of us aliens or something?"

"Aliens? Cool!" Rainbow Dash grinned. 

Fitz let out a small chuckle. 

"No," he said when he'd managed to compose himself. "I'm saying you're an elf."

An elf.

The word hung in the air between them—a foreign object that didn't belong.

"An elf," Sophie said. Visions of little people in tights with pointy ears danced through her brain, and she couldn't help giggling.

"You don't believe me."

"Did you really expect me to?"

"I guess not." He ran his hands through his hair, making it stick out in wavy spikes—kind of like a rock star.

Could someone that good looking be crazy?

"I'm telling you the truth, Sophie. I don't know what else to say," Fitz said. 

"I can't believe you," Twilight shook her head. "How are we elves?"

"Because you are," Fitz shrugged. 

Twilight groaned. 

"I'm sure we're all 100% human," Applejack said. "What you did with the whole disappearing thing is just a trick of the light."

"Everything to you humans is a trick of the light," Fitz chuckled. 

Sophie sighed. If this Fitz was going to be crazy, so would she. 

"Fine," she said. "I'm an elf. Am I supposed to help Frodo destroy the ring and save Middle-earth? Or do I have to make toys in the North Pole?"

Twilight started to snicker, and Sunset covered her mouth to keep from bursting out into laughter. 

He let out a sigh—but a smile hid in the corners of his mouth. "Would it help if I showed you?"

"Oh, sure, this ought to be good," Rarity huffed. "First thing we know, we're elves, and now we're about to do elfie magic."

She folded her arms as he pulled out a slender silver wand with intricate carvings etched into the sides. At the tip, a small, round crystal sparkled in the sunlight.

"Is that your magic wand?" Sophie couldn't resist asking.

He rolled his eyes. "Actually, it's a pathfinder." He spun the crystal and locked it into place with the silver latch at the top. "Now, this can be dangerous. Do you promise you'll do exactly what I tell you to do?"

Her smile faded. "That depends. What do I have to do?"

"You need to take my hand and concentrate on holding on. And by concentrate, I mean you can't think about anything else—no matter what happens. Can you do that?" he asked. "All eight of you included.

"Why?" Sophie asked.

"Do you want proof or not?"

She wanted to say no—he couldn't actually prove anything. What was he going to do, whisk her away to some magic elf land?

But she was curious. . . .

And, really, what harm could come from holding someone's hand?

She willed her palms not to sweat as their fingers laced together. Her heart did that stupid fluttery thing again, and her hand tingled everywhere their skin touched.

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