Descendants 3 part 3

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(A/N): Spoiler Warning: obviously if you haven't seen the film there's spoilers for what happens in the film. I really should've put spoiler warnings for all parts but descendants has been out a few years but still. Although, some stuff is bent and changed in this story since this is the world of fan fiction but also there is spoilers within One Piece that haven't been showed in the anime yet. There is no panels in this so don't worry but if you are a One Piece anime only and haven't read the manga and don't want to get spoiled then I suggest not reading 

However, I should mention it's not a major spoiler as it's an attack name Law uses there is something else that happens in the manga but I won't spoil it and it won't be in this story so don't worry about that. Or if you don't read or watch one piece or don't really care about it then just read it if ya want and it doesn't really apply to you but does those that do care I where this warning of it's location (towards the end of the Audrey fight, around the part where Uma uses the necklace on Mal to restore her power)

(We see them sneaking and hiding behind a tree near fairy cottage as they all sneak close as they get closer and closer until they get last the gate and barge in and slam the door open)

Jay: (comes back down stairs) she's not upstairs.

(They hear a bang as Ben looks in and undoes the lock and opens the door as Chad is sat down shivering)

Ben: Chad?

Chad: I want my mommy.

(Ben approaches closer)

Chad: (flinches) no!

Ben: it's okay. (Helps him up) what happened buddy?

Chad: (peeks out) hmm. Ben. Ben! (Grabs his jacket and rubs his facial hair) your face. (Stops) she's gone? Huh? (Looks) the door is open, I'm free. Freedom! Oh! (He runs out the door) freedom!

(Harry laughs as he closes the closet door and they all leave since there's no sign of Audrey)

(With the team of three)

(They find fairy godmother as a stone statue)

Jane: oh my gosh. Hi, mom. Um, I do t know if you can hear me but it's been a really crazy day. On the plus side, it's been the longest birthday I've ever had. On the minus side, everybody's under an evil spell but on the plus side, Carlos remembered my birthday, see? (Shows her the necklace) we're going to figure out how to undo this. We'll find a way to make this right mom.

(With the rest)

Uma: Ooh. All right. Let's get this Audrey chick taken care of already. What do you say girls, time to wrap things up?

Ben: you know, someday, you're gonna have to tell me how you guys all got teamed up.

Evie: Actually, Mal promised to let all those kids off the Isle once this is over.

(Y/N): I can't take it anymore! Quit lying to them you've already lied to me twice!

Mal:... I have to tell you guys something. Um...

((Y/N) draws his sword and points right at her neck)

(Y/N): (threateningly) say it. (Points sword away) I've been waiting for you to tell them since you said it and I respected your wishes and kept my mouth shut but I can't take it anymore and the fact you told me you told everyone but no you only told Evie and not Carlos and Jay and you lied to them too!

Mal: he's right, I lied to you. The kids won't be coming off the Isle.

Jay: what do you mean?

Mal: the program is shut down. And the barrier... will be closed for good.

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