the kitten cries

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ranboo couldn't take it, it was getting to hard, his home life wasn't the best, about 6 months before he moved in with tubbo he came out as demi male, and lets just say their family wasn't to happy...what was so wrong about also wanting to use they/them pronouns? he still liked he/him!! he hadn't told tubbo or tommy yet, what if they reacted the same way their family did?

ranboo wouldn't even think about telling them how they want to try out xem/xis pronouns!! and with his face being leaked they weren't doing so good so here he was, back on their door, which was locked, slipping into kitten space crying. tubbo has being trying to get in for a good 15 minutes. "bossman, please let me in, please" tommy was in the kitchen, and had just no clue what was happening. ranboo was slowing down on how much he was talking. 

"kitty, please open the door..." and there goes ranboo, they started fucking sobbing, trying to unlock the door. "can't, can't open!!" ranboo was sobbing rivers at this point, fuck. what do i do?! i dont think we have any extra keys!! ranboo. ranboo!! ranboo has the only key to open the door!! "kitty cat, do you have your key..?" all tubbo got was a small 'mhm' "ok, can you pass me your key under the door?" seconds later, tubbo saw the key come out from under the door, and like the fucking flash, he grabed that key and unlocked that door faster then he ever thought he could. the second the door opened, ranboo was in tubbo's arms.

"you alright kitty?" tubbo had ranboo in a VERY protective hug, as if tubbo was protecting ranboo from something. ranboo shock their head no, he need tuboo and tommy right now. as if ranboo let go tubbo would be gone for good. the way they were laying on the floor was, tubbo sitting up with ranboo inbetwen his legs, curldded up on his chest, tubbo's poor kitten was crying his heart out on tubbo's chest, he wouldn't lie, it broke his heart. tubbo didnt know what was happening but he knew his kitten didnt deserve it.

tubbo started to gentally pet ranboo in hopes he would calm down. "ssshhhhh, it alright boo, bo is here, can you tell me whats wrong...?" "mhm..." "do you WANT to tell me about it?" "no....." "then you don't have to tell me" right at that moment tommy walked up stares looking for them, "TUBBO, RANBO-" tommy was cut off when he saw them, all ranboo did was meow, and tommy kinda, knew what was happening. i mean ranboo was still kinda crying into tubbo.

"hey boo, you wanna say hi to tommy?" ranboo just made grabby hands at tommy. "here!! come!!" tommy kinda just laughed a little at ranboo and sat down with them. "hey ran" ranboo latched onto tommy, making tubbo laugh a bit. would ranboo talk about what he was crying about? he was hoping not, ranboo was hoping he wouldn't have to talk about it. 

-3 hours later-

today was fun, ranboo played a bit, quickly got tired, ate some tuna, played, took a nap, cuddled with tubbo and tommy, played even more, ordered some cat ears online, and played a bit more. now they were laying in tubbo's bed, well just tubbo and ranboo. tommy went to bed an hour ago. it was 4am, and tubbo was getting tired "hey boo..." ranboo looked up at tubbo "hm?" "why were you in your room today...?" ranboo clearly went in on himself, they didnt want to tell tubbo, but they had to tell him...

"talk when big....?" ranboo just wanted to sleep, telling tubbo could make so much happen. but tubbo trusted ranboo enough to tell them about his ranboo should tell tubbo right? "yeah, sure kitty, we can talk when you're not a cute little cat. and before you start stressing, i could never hate you!!" at one point durring that, tubbo kissed ranboo's forehead, even when ranboo was in pet space they still knew what happened and what they felt, to put it simple ranboo was flustered. ranboo hid their face in tubbo neck, he was to sleepy to deal with this shi-(nope, not going to do it. not going to say it) 

"good night boo....." ranboo lifted their head from tubbo's neck, gave tubbo cheek's a small lick. "night bo...." and just like that tubbo fell asleep holding ranboo, only for ranboo to fall asleep soon after, hiding in tubbo's neck

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