oh how they were wrong

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and here they were, sitting in the car, ready to go by plants for a tea garden with two sick pet regressiors, one a goat one a raccoon.

"ok, ready to go in?" all ranboo got was a quick nod from tubbo and tommy both. opening the car door and stepping out, to go unbuckle the two in the back, either of them were allowed to when regressed(more of they wouldn't) once ranboo got tommy unbuckled, he went to the other side and got tubbo out, now people may judge them for this but he had harnesses on both off them with leashes so they couldn't run off, after that one time tommy and tubbo lost ranboo then split up to look for him and both ended up getting lost in different parts of the store, while ranboo looked for them, only to find both regressed and crying.

so yeah, long leashes and harnesses for them. ranboo did not want to find the two boys crying again. so he kept their energy in a small area that he is in the center of.

walking into the store tommy and tubbo were already trying to look at anything and everything. they had already gotten a few stares from people. but none of the three cared enough to notice. "boo!! what plants are we going to get boo!!" tommy started to bounce while shaking ranboo. "you'll find out big man." tubbo stopped in his tracks, only to hit his feet on the ground. when ranboo turned to look at him, he started to pout. "nooopppeee~ not telling you two!!"

at this moment (he realized he fucked up-SRHRGD IM SORRY I HAD TO) a worker came up to them "um are these your kids, or a family member, cuz i might have to kick you out...?" ranboo started to chuckle "oh no, im their friend. but they have to have these on, if they don't have these on then they get lost and start to panic. and we're only in here to buy some plants to start a tea garden, speaking of which, will you please show us were the plants are, as you can see, we are stuck in the lamp area." now it was the workers turn to laugh. "sir we dont sell plants here-" tommy and tubbo were both laughing at ranboo.

"im sorry.....what?"

An hour later, finaly got to a store that sells plants. Not only that, but got the plants they wanted, down side, tubbo puked everywhere in the store and dropped the thing he was holding that cost like $200 and it broke. Then tommy started crying and ranboo was on the edge of slipping. Not so fun honestly, but still.

At least they got out of the house.....right...? Now laying down in ranboo's bed once again, ranboo was thinking about taking tubbo to the ER but decided against it. His fever just spiked a little higher, and every time he sat up, he started crying, for the pain in his stomach, but ranboo didn't know that and was currently freaking the fuck out.

Tommy was fast asleep on the bed might i add, after seeing tubbo puke tommy did aswell not long after, it honestly wasn't to much fun for anyone at the time.

Getting up, ranboo went to get tubbo and him a glass of water, they both needed it with the long night that was to come, of tubbo not being able to sleep, and ranboo trying not to cry from stress.

That's it. Ranboo is never having kids. Like ever.

Walking to in front of the sink, reaching up to grab a cup from the cabinet, he started to hum fallen down. Thinking about lore and how to explain to chat why they were gone so long. Ranboo is glad they started streaming, i mean if that didn't, they wouldn't have whst he calls the perfect life.

I mean after the neglect he was faced with at home, this was the best moments of ranboo my beloved's life. Growing up he rarely ever saw the people he called parents. Dad was drunk the day he was born and ranboo has never saw that man sober, but hey, at least father dearest wasn't home, always at clubs or bars.

And motherboo was always working cuz of fatherboo's fuck ups. She worked so much that since the age of 8 ranboo only saw her every other weekend. Only when she came home, to remember she had a kid. And to buy food for him. Ranboo wonders if they even realize the absence?

Oh yeah, water for tubbo...!! forgetting he was also going to get water, ranboo was now walking to the fridge with the cup, and talking a water bottle out of the fridge, then pouring most of it in the cup, you may ask "why couldn't he just give tubbo a water bottle?" well for some reason tubbo HATED water bottles when regressed. no one knew why, and no one was going to ask why.

taking the cup of water to their room, ranboo went to give tubbo the water, walking into the room ranboo sees a half asleep tubbo quietly 'baaah'ing to himself. "hey bo, i got you some water...." ranboo put the water on the nightstand, but instead of reaching for the water, he reached for ranboo quickly pulling them down onto the bed. "bo, please drink the water-" all tubbo did was shake his head, hold onto ranboo a bit tighter, and fall right asleep. tubbo just wanted his caregiver at the time ok!! that water could go fuck itself. 

soon after ranboo was trapped by tommy and tubbo stuck with the two they cared about, who they happen to take care of. so here is where ranboo, layed down and finaly let himself rest. it was hell this week, they all needed it. ranboo's eye's fluttered shut, while he layed, hoping of a better day tomorrow. not sure if that wish would come true or not.

(1005 words)

Y'ALL LOOK AT ME GOOOOO, MY BRAIN HAS BEEN JUST ACTUALLY EVERYWHERE AND I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO WRITE, BUT NOW LOOK AT ME, NEW CHAPTER, THAT TOOK ME LIKE 3 WEEKS TO WRITE(might be wrong about how long it's been since the last chapter, of the ACTUAL book, don't hold me to it c': )and like my aunt has been a real bitch >:'( she was saying how you guys be lying about liking my book since i don't use the word 'said' but like, she can fuck off, get what im saying? ALSO HOPE YOU ENJOYED LIKE ALWAYS THO!!

¡little goat! beeduo goat pet regressionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt