ranboo has arrive

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Right now tubbo was waiting at the airport, he had to pick ranboo up, where else was he supposed to be? Today wasn't so bad, normally when he talked with ranboo over the phone he would get REALLY close to slipping.

he didn't even know if ranboo knows what pet regression is!! What if ranboo thought It was weird? Turbo didn't want to lose his friend!! Yeah he had Tommy but at the time he hadn't even told Tommy yet!!

Tubbo got pulled out of his thoughts when ranboo tapped on his shoulder "holy fuck-when did you get here ranboo!?" ranboo just laughed (fucking dick-) "I've been standing here for about 10 minutes!!" ranboo says while laughing, tubbo visibly pouted.

When ranboo FINALLY stopped laughing he started to talk "Come on Tubbo let's get to the car and go to your place" Tubbo stopped for a minute ".........ranboo, we don't even have your luggage yet..."

".....i.." ranboo just stood silently in embarrassment. "let's go get my luggage then go to the car and go to your place!!" ranboo said in a weirdly positive voice. All Tubbo could do was start breaking down laughing.

~♥~After they got to Tubbo's house~♥~

Ok now Tubbo was having trouble, he was starting to slip from all the pure happiness of ranboo actually moving in with him!! Everything is the same but ranboo is moving in with Tubbo instead of staying for 4 months

Ranboo started to notice Tubbo was being a lot less talkative, and started to bite on his sleeves. Ranboo was getting a little worried, yeah Tubbo had a huge smile on his face, but ranboo was still a little worried.

"hey, you OK Tubbo..?" Tubbo turned and looked at ranboo, before ranboo had even a chance to comprehend what was about to happen, Tubbo launched himself into ranboo while in the process making sure to headbutt his chest, you see, ranboo was sitting on the couch and Tubbo insisted he sat on his gaming chair.

"ow....that hurt-why did you do that Tubbo?" Tubbo didn't reply, he just got up and ran to get his goat head band, he was long gone in his headspace at this point, but you can't blame him!! He was just so happy to be, living with ranboo!!

When Tubbo came back into the room he left ranboo in, he had a goat onesie and a head band that had goat ears and tiny horns. Ranboo was a little confused, but he didn't really mind all that much.

Tubbo ran to ranboo and headbutt him again(which really hurt) before trying to snuggle close to him while still being on higher ground, so it ended up with Tubbo on top of the couch, trying to rap himself around ranboo's neck, occasionally Tubbo would make a 'baaahhh' like sound and headbutt ranboo, while ranboo was on his phone trying to find out what's up with Tubbo.

About 30 minutes later and ranboo learned it's pet regression, and knows semi enough about it. This is about the time Tubbo decides it's a good idea to stand on all fours on his gaming chair and trying to make it fall while still on it... Yeah not the best idea...

Ranboo looks up from his phone right as Tubbo makes the chair fall forward, the chair his the ground, but it set Tubbo face first into the floor, ranboo, jumps up and runs to Tubbo the second the chair falls.

He slowly sits Tubbo up cuz he hadn't on his own yet, but since ranboo was the one holding him in place he decided against moving away from ranboo's grip. When ranboo gets to see Tubbo's face there isn't a huge amount of damage, just a bump and a tiny bit of blood, "oh god are you ok Tubbo?!" ranboo slightly yells as he takes his hand to move Tubbo's hair out of the way, upon contact Tubbo moves into ranboo's touch slightly headbutting "bbbaaaaaaahhhh!!" Tubbo says happily as if he can't even feel the pain. the headband long forgoten.

Then it hits ranboo, Tubbo's a goat!! Ranboo lets out a long sigh "come on little goat, let's get you patched up..!!" Tubbo noticeable perks up, and starts to let out a lot of happy 'baaahh's at the nickname.

Ranboo goes to pick Tubbo up and putting him on his hip, ranboo was not the strongest (at all, his man can barely pick up a chair-) so it was no surprise to him when he had a bit of trouble carrying Tubbo. But ranboo didn't exactly care to much.

Tubbo didn't stop letting out happy 'baaahhh's and headbutting ranboo till they got to the bathroom. Ranboo managed to set Tubbo down on the sink as he looked for medical supplies. He had no clue where anything was but he eventually found it in the cabinet. He of course cleaned Tubbo's wound before putting a bandage on it and picking Tubbo up.

He was going to go back to the couch, but he noticed Tubbo was less loud and starting to lean into ranboo, a clean sign he's probably tired. "hey little goat, are you getting tired..?" ranboo asked in almost a whisper. Tubbo just slowly nodded his head. "ok, how about we go eat before we go to bed..?" Tubbo didn't exactly respond.

So ranboo simply just took Tubbo to the kitchen, set him on the counter and went to make him a snack, yeah Tubbo whined a bit when ranboo put him down, but it was fine.

Ranboo got Tubbo a few different things to eat, not knowing which one he wants, ranboo made a small bowl of oatmeal, got a few slices of apple, some celery, a few grapes, and some gram crackers. Ranboo also made some angle milk, he was aware it was better for age regression, but maybe Tubbo would like it?

Tubbo was practically asleep by the time ranboo came back so he made sure Tubbo was up "little goat, are you awake..? We gotta eat before going to bed" Tubbo blinked a few times before looking at ranboo's hands to see the food. When ranboo sat the plate down Tubbo went straight for the grapes and in the end ate a little bit of everything.

They were now back on the couch, watching the office, with the rest of Tubbo's food left on the counter. Tubbo was laying in ranboo's lap as ranboo stroked his hair in an attempt to make him fall asleep(and it worked, Tubbo was asleep in seconds) ranboo looked down at Tubbo to find him asleep "awe....kinda wish you told me about your pet space a little sooner Tubbo, but it's ok..." ranboo said light heartedly seconds before he, himself fell asleep.

(1129 words)
I really hope you enjoyed that, sorry if it's all over the place-

¡little goat! beeduo goat pet regressionWhere stories live. Discover now