fox boy? fox boy. plus wil.

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Ranboo and tubbo weren't there, something about ranboo having to vist family and tubbo coming with. Tommy had no clue to be honest. But wilbur and fundy were in town, so here we are.

Ranboo had talked wilbur into pet sitting, only to find out wilbur was the caretaker of fundy!! Amazing timing. Ranboo wouldn't have to worry about a single this. Another caretaker was pet sitting tommy while they were gone!! Ughhh that make them panic a little morrreeee....

Sitting on the couch, waiting for wilbur to get here. Tommy was curently stuck inbetween headspaces. The door bell...wilbur is here!! Opening the door to see wilby AND fundy made, what was soon to be, the raccoon happy. Without paying attention tommy started to make a almost silent giggling like sound.

"hey tommy, how are you? Can we come in?" oh yeah did i mention it was clear fundy was hidding the fact he was regressed, and tommy knew. He could tell. It was clear that wilbur had not been fundy's caretaker for more then a week, wil had not picked up on the small signs yet. No offense to wil.

"good!! C'mon in!!" tommy has known of fundy's regression for a bit, they used to have video call playdates. When fundy and wilbur were walking in tommy had to whisper fundy something "hey you good fox, you seem like you're regressed.." fundy gulped at that. Tommy knew. Fuck tommy knew. All fundy could do was shake his head at a very slow pace.

"hey wilby can you go get me some grapes!! Ranboo said im not allowed to get them on my own..." pouting at that, wilbur said he would and went to go find the grapes. "hey i know you are a fox right now buddy, does wil know?" tommquickly looked at fundy. tommy wanted to ask fundy about it. He knew something was wrong. Fundy shook his head.

Tommy would not lie he wasnt really regressed, more of he wanted to make sure fundy was ok. But that all dropped when wilbur came back with grapes and beefjerky in seconds tommy was deep in his headspace just wanting fundy to play with him, even if that ment biting him.

Fundy snapped the second dearest of wilbur spoke "little champion why dont you go play with tommy?" and like that, fundy was sitting there trying to snag grapes from tommy when tommy wasn't looking, and jumping into blankets.

some of their acts of the day included, would place something that shines at one side of the room while tommy wasn't looking, throw something in the area to get tommy's attention, tommy would go get the item, and fundy would steal a few grapes. tommy and fundy would play fight some, yeah wil shut that down quickly. so on so forth.

then the call came, ranboo video calling wilbur. Wilbur answered to see what looked like a stressed ranboo. "so change in plans wil, we. In fact will be back tomorrow, and also, is tommy ok? i've been worried about him cuz the only other time i left him by himself he had a panic attack-" Interupted. Great. But as least it was by tommy stealing the phone and running over to fundy.

"boo!! Boo!! Guess what!! Guess what boo!!" ok tommy little to close to the camera but ok.  "what is it big man? What got's you all excited?" it was clear tommy was jumping at this very moment. "i made a friend boo!! Wanna see my friend!!" "sure buddy!!"

Tommy turned the phone for ranboo to see fundy chewing on tubbo Favorite toy.....oh nooooo-looks like ranboo is so dead.....

Fundy just waved at the camera only for wilbur to steal it back. "sorry about that, but now you can see, tommy is a-okay over there!!"  ranboo looked up at his phones battery, it's at 5% oh shoot... "hey wil i have to go, my phone is at 5% and my charger is still in my bag.." wilbur let ranboo get off before their phone died, only to turn and see tommy and fundy fast asleep on the floor.

Huh? Weren't they just full of energy? Welp better carry them to a bed. First picking up tommy and bringing tommy to well, tommy's room. Then coming back. "fuck...were are me and fundy going to sleep....they wouldn't mind...and if they do, well sucks to suck, im sleeping on a bed tonight."

Wil picked up fundy and brought him to tubbo's room. To then go back and pick up a bit so dearest of wilbur can sleep on ranboo's bed. Haha fuck ranboo!!(JOKE, JOKE PLEASE DONT KILL ME GUYS I PROMISE IT WAS A JOKE, IVE WROTE LIKE 9 BOOKS AROUND RANBOO PLEASE-) going to ranboo's room to at last lay down and rest. And it was only 10pm, wow!!

The first thing wilbur woke up to was tommy pouring cold water on him..."WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK TOMMY!!-" all he heard was tommy laughing at him...what a great start to the day.

Shooing tommy and fundy out of the room, wilbur quickly got dressed. At least ranboo was coming back today. Wait, ranboo's it will be dry by the time ranboo got back. It wasn't.

Ranboo was bording the plan with tubbo. That trip was honestly really bad. Ranboo's parents started out nice noticing that ranboo had a friend with them. Then later went on about how ''selfish'' ranboo was for using he/they pronouns. Tubbo stepped in only to be yelled at for suporting ranboo.

Then later they found out ranboo regresses and ranboo also got yelled at being called a freak. Tubbo said that's enough do to ranboo crying and getting tears all over his mask, that their parents also yelled at ranboo to get off.

Ranboo and tubbo ended up staying in a hotel. Simply cuz of ranboo's parents being bitches, and in all honestly. Tubbo hopes they burn in hell.

By the time they got home it was already lunch. So they sat and all ate lunch, they thought, only for wil and fundy to leave right after. What. A. Day.

(1037 words)

Eeeeeeeeee i got it ooouuutttt!! Also got the hair cut i've been wanting for years after talking with my sexist father, if i wasnt insecure i would show a picture- 

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