duo doc visit

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here we are, at a doctor's appointment, with tubbo and tommy clinging to ranboo and biting him as they both get shots. both deadly scared of needles. now let's go back a little bit, i wanna see how this started.

you see, tubbo had gotten sick and gave it to tommy, and they had been regressed the entire time...so ranboo didnt have the easiest time when he told them they had to go to the doctors. "noooooo ran!! but someone might take my stuff!!" "no one is going to take your stuff tom, we just need to make sure you to are ok" tubbo was aggressively headbutting ranboo, clearly pissed. "come on guys, please!!"

ranboo just turned around sat in the corner and started making crying sounds, he found out this helps when they need them to do something, like eat something, give him something, or like now, go to the doctors.

tommy turned to tubbo, tubbo just nodded. "fine boo, we'll go to the doctors...just please dont cry!!" next thing ranboo knew, tommy and tubbo were both hugging them. 

the next day at the doctors was hell, ranboo not only had to force tubbo to put on shirt. "come on baby ram!! its just a shirt and when we get home you can take it off!!" ranboo was begging tubbo at this point, tubbo had his shirt in his mouth and would not let go. "my little goat, please!! i'll let you stop and get new toys on our way home!!" at that tubbo walked over to ranboo and dropped the shirt.

they wouldn't eat breakfast. "you two are really pushing your luck here. come on tom!! it's grapes you love grapes!! you even stole the bag yesterday and ate them in your room!!" tommy pushed his plate off the table, tubbo following, but only using his head. "guuuuuyyyyysssss!! i swear if you two dont kill me, stress is going to"

then while ranboo was picking up their mess, they thought it would be funny to mess with him. "guess i'll just pack them stuff to eat on the way there, god you're starting to sound like a middle age mom, ranb-" ranboo was cut off when tubbo ran and jumped onto their back. ranboo started to cough at the impact "god tubbo!! you scared me!!" tubbo jumped off giggling the entire time.

then every time ranboo tired to buckle them in the car they would bite him..."OW TOMMY, I GOT TO DO THIS OR IF WE GET IN A CAR CRASH YOU'LL GET HURT!!" 

Once he finally got them buckled and started driving they had to stop like 8 time for tommy or tubbo to puke...god this was going to be a looooonnnggg day, and it was only 9:30pm....

When they got to the doctors, tubbo seemed weirdly scared and tommy started to become big again, but the second they got called tommy was like a scared puppy. Instantly regressing to the point of no talking.

"tubbo? Tubbo underscore? Tommy? tommy innit?"(I DIDNT WANT TO USE ACTUAL NAMES OK >:')  ) ranboo raised his hand to show they were comming over, tubbo and tommy walking behind ranboo as if ranboo would protect them. walking behind the doctor into a room to be exact room 126. the doctor started to talk "hello i should be your doctor for today, my name is ash fisher. +and i would like to ask why are you here sir" ranboo after looking around a bit asked the simple question of "oh um are you talking to me?" with a nod of her head ranboo understood. "oh um they regress and im their caregiver, the only reason im here is cuz they have been regressed for a week or two!!" understanding what ranboo meant the doctor started to talk "well then can you tell me what's wrong?"

After doing testing and such, turns out normal flu, but they dont have have their chickenpox shot yet....which is really odd, but turns out tommy's family is against vaccines, and we aren't sure why tubbo doesn't have his shot.

so to get it done and over with tommy and tubbo were getting their shots while still here. tubbo was silently crying into ranboo chest while the needle was being put in his left arm, kinda pissed ranboo had him come here he was biting into ranboo's shoulder so he didn't pay attention to the pain in his arm.

ignoring the pain in his shoulder he started to rub tubbo's back to comfort him. once it was done, tomm claimed he was a big man, and that he didn't need ranboo comfort. but in seconds he was clinging to ranboo not letting go, oh so scared.

once told they can leave, they walked out of the doctors with ranboo carrying tubbo and holding tommy's hand. another day well done without ranboo losing his shit.

(812 words)


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