Torrent of Terror

Start from the beginning

"Man, I can't ever remember it being this hot for so long. Can you, Danny?"

Tucker and Sam look at Danny, who has a very angry expression plastered on his face.

"Uh oh. Looks like commander crab is off fighting the happies again."

Sam tries to make Danny smile.

Tucker walks over after pulling some weird looking helmet out of his bag.

"No worries. My Foley Mood Meddler, patent pending, will take care of that in a flash."

He slams it onto Danny's head. The screen inside of the thing turns on and shows two girls playing beach volleyball, giggling. The beach ball is replaced by Tucker's head.

"Hello ladies."

Danny gets even angrier.

"Will you get this thing off me?!"

Tucker grabs it off.

"Must have some bugs to work out." Tucker inquires.

Danny's hair is messed up and he scowls at Tucker.

"Yeah. In your head."

"Did I tell you guys not to anger him more while I got us fans?"

They look over as Aero walks over with fans. She was wearing a sun hat and sunglasses. She walks over and fixes Danny's hair. She also pats his face with a towel.

"Thanks. You can always make me feel better."

Aero smiles and kisses his cheek. She winces.

"Uck...didn't get all the sweat."

Soon Vlad walks up to the podium and speaks. The two men in suits are fanning him with money.

"My dearest citizens. Our current heat wave and subsequent water shortage have thrown Amity Park into a state of emergency. But being as I am your mayor, and many of you are undoubtedly questioning why or even how you voted for me, I vow that the fortunes of Amity Park are about to change with this."

Vlad pulls out the spectral barometer.

"My very own rain machine."

"There's no way Vlad's gonna make it rain with that thing." Tucker mocks.

Danny angrily throws his arms in the air.

"So, why are we even wasting our time here?"

"Because your dad is Vlad's biggest supporter..." Aero remarks.

The four turn to the Fenton RV, covered in Vlad propaganda. And Jack, with a Vlad mascot suit on, trying to get people to cheer with him. Maddie is next to, looking absolutely embarrassed. 

"Give me a V! Give me an L!"

People look at Jack in confusion.

"Come on people work with me here!"

Danny groans as Jack continues cheering.

"Ugh. He's probably gonna keep this up until Vlad isn't the mayor anymore."

"Will we have to deal with your cruddy attitude til then, too?" Sam rebuttals.

Danny sighs.

"I'm sorry, guys. I-I just can't help being embarrassed. And annoyed. It's not like I can turn off my emotions."

"If only Vlad's machine could change your mood swings. He'd be on to something." Tucker jokes.

Danny and Aero glare as Vlad walks up behind Tucker.

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