Then I hear Lance crying in our room. "Fuck" Jax whispers into my neck as I instantly freeze up.

"Hurry." I whisper into his ear as he pulls me closer. He keeps rocking his hips as he pounds into me and then Lance's crying gets ten times worse.

"Fuck, let me down." I tell him as I try moving out of his grip. He won't let go though.

"Jax let me down" I tell him moving to get off of him when his grip tightens further. "Jax I'm serious!" I tell him as Lance continues crying.

"Fuck that Ry, you go to him every second of everyday and we never have time for us anymore! He cries because he wants attention and you know he's fine!" He shouts at me as he pulls out of me and turns his back. I stare in nothing but shock as I grab a towel and run out of the bathroom. When I see Lance he's whining his little lungs out. I reach and grab him into my arms as I pull his head into my neck and kiss his.

"Hey baby, it's okay. Mommy's here." I whisper over and over to him as he continues crying. I pat his butt rocking him as I move him closer to me and let my boob out of the towel as I start breastfeeding him. I rock him and let him eat as he calms right down. While I'm standing in the corner I hear Jax come in. I look behind me as he walks to the closet and slips on his clothes.

"Jax we have to talk about what just happened." I demand from my side of the room closing the blinds so that I can sit down and feed Lance.

"No we don't. I'm going to work." He demands as he slips on his No Bull athletic sneakers along with his workout attire. I'm so proud of him, he's the co-owner of the gym now and he's making triple what I do. He's amazing and I love him so much for taking care of our little family.

"Jax stop." I demand standing up and moving towards the door.

"What do you want me to say? Huh? That we don't have a relationship anymore? That you send all of your time with our kids, not me? These things are the reason we don't even have a relationship right now. We live together and that's it. You know I'm telling the damn truth." He shouts at me as my heart hits my ass. He's right.

I do everything for our kids. I don't have a life without my children. Jax and I haven't even really talked in days, and it's because of our kids. If I'm not working I'm with the kids. We haven't had a vacation since our honeymoon, and it's been so hectic the one time he tried to have sex with me in two months I had to run away. He's been so patient and this is my fault.

"I'm sorry." I whisper as he glares at me.

"No you're not. Because I love my kids, I do. But this is fucking ridiculous Ry, I haven't talked to you in days and this isn't working anymore." He tells me pointing between us as my heart cracks in half. I'm holding Lance when I feel my world crash. I almost lose the feeling in my body when the words hit me. He's done.

"Do you want to explain anything?" He asks as I stare at him. He looks down at Lance and back at me as he sees my expression.

"You don't have a right to act this way. I do everything Jax, I'm the only one who really takes care of our kids and I'll be damned if you tell me that I'm doing it too much. You don't feel like I'm giving enough? Jax I work forty hours a week on top of being a full time mom of two, cleaning this house, washing laundry, cooking dinner, and raising our kids when you train other kids instead of being with ours! So I'm sorry if you don't like the bond I've developed with them but they're all I've had for a long time because you're not the same man you used to be with Maddie. You hate our son, you don't want anything to do with him!" I shout at him as he steps back. I know I've crossed the line when he grabs his keys off the table.

"Oh I don't? What about the fact that I work the skin off my bones for you? For this? And you think you have the audacity to tell me I don't love Lance? Fuck you. I'm not coming home tonight." He shouts walking out the bedroom door as I follow him.

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