Fate Steps in Again

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The week by pretty quickly. It was already Thursday. The guys had had a busy week filming and we're heading back out of town that weekend for live shows. So Thursday after filming wrapped up, the guys went to Lucky Louie's for drinks to unwind.

Julie decided she'd holed herself up all week, Spring was around the corner and her kids in class were all crazy this week. She text Kelly: what are you up to chic?

Kelly: just wrapping up for the day. Should we hit Louie's for a drink or two?

Julie: YES! I need to release.

Kelly: be there in 20 mins.

Julie: see you there!

Julie ran home, dropped off her work tote, fed the cats and checked her mail. Nothing exciting. Grabbed her purse and headed down the street to Louie's. She walked in and the first person she ran into was Joe Gatto. She hadn't met him yet of course but recognized him right away from watching the show. He smiled at her. She must have been looking at him like a fan who'd just seen him for the first time. She looked around and didn't see anyone else from the show. Ok just a random run in. Phew.

Then she noticed Sal. She did a quick u turn and headed straight for the door. As she was walking out, Kelly was coming in.

"Hey where ya goin?" Kelly asked puzzled.

" Sal and one of the other guys from the show are here, let's go somewhere else." Julie pulled on her arm.

"Are you crazy? I haven't seen Sal all week." Kelly spotted him and said," let me at least go say hi."

"Kelly, I can't see Sal." "He probably hates me for what happened with me and Brian." Julie said nervously.

"Oh don't be silly." Kelly said pulling her along.

Sal spotted Kelly and yelled out," hey baby girl, come on over."

Kelly waved and ran over and gave Sal a hug. Julie hung back hoping not to be noticed. Sal introduced Kelly to James and Joe. He looked over and waved at Julie. She smiled and waved back. He could see her eyes looked tear filled. Julie turned to leave and bumped into someone. She looked up and stared right into the eyes of the man she'd avoided all week. She couldn't read his expression, she said "I'm sorry" and she walked around him towards the door. Brian looked at Kelly and Sal who were watching intently. Sal waved for him to go after her. Kelly nodded in agreement.

Brian turned and followed Julie. He didn't see her anywhere, but he knew she lived just down the street. As he was running down the street calling out her name. He happened to see her sitting on an apartment stoop crying into her hands.

He stopped, at first he wasn't sure what to say.

He sat down next to her.

Without even looking up, she sobbed, "I'm so sorry. I'm just so sorry."

He wasn't sure whether to hug her or curse her out.

"Sorry for what? That you left my apartment on Sunday the way you did, or the fact that you never responded to my text?" He asked calmly.

"Both." She said with a huge sigh.

"What happened Julie, I thought we were having a great time getting to know eachother?" "Then you freak out and leave and I never hear from you Again."

"I'm so sorry Brian, it's a long story."

"Can you at least give me some idea so I don't screw up with the next girl?"

Her heart sank, next girl..... So he was over her. Moved on..... That was that.

She looked up at him, tears rolling down her cheeks, "oh Brian, you were amazing. This was not your fault."

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