" Yifu , may I come ? "

" My Princess can come anywhere she wants ! " .... Zhou Zi Shu said while stretching his hands and legs after long hours of studying . He let out a small yawn .

Wen Xiang giggled and ran inside the room . She looked at Wen Ke Xing and then walked to Zhou Zi Shu .

" Yifu , I didn't mean to disturb you but I am feeling hungry ! "

Wen Ke Xing and Zhou Zi Shu smiled to hear Wen Xiang's words . He stood up from the chair and told Wen Ke Xing to also take a break .

Wen Ke Xing closed his books and notebooks . He went back to their room to put them back . Zhou Zi Shu went to the bathroom and washed his face .

Zhou Zi Shu then went to the kitchen and started to prepare for their dinner . Wen Ke Xing was also helping him to cut the vegetables . Within one hour they prepared dinner .

After dinner , making Wen Ke Xing and Wen Xiang asleep , Zhou Zi Shu left for his job .

Next day , Zhou Zi Shu after dropping Wen Ke Xing and Wen Xiang to the school , he went to the shopping mall to buy some groceries .

In school , like usual, Wen Ke Xing was studying in the library . Making notes for the examination . He was sitting alone at a far corner from the other students .

Yan Lan approached him . She put her books infront of him and sat across from him . Wen Ke Xing was going to walk away . When Yan Lan asked for help .

" Wen Ke Xing , can you tell me how to solve it ? ....

.... I have tried many times but still couldn't solve it ? "

Wen Ke Xing sat back . He took the notebook from her and focused on the question .

Wen Ke Xing took the pen and started to solve the question while explaining every step to Yan Lan .

Yan Lan kept looking at Wen Ke Xing more than listening to him . Her heart was beating rapidly . She was getting butterflies in her stomach . Wen Ke Xing dropped the pen ....

" Understand , Yan Lan ? "

Yan Lan felt happy to hear her name from Wen Ke Xing's mouth . She nodded her head while smiling softly with a blushing face ...

" Thank you , Wen Ke Xing ! ....

.... This sum was so hard ! .... But you made it so much easier ! "

" Yan Lan , it was not difficult .... You were just applying the wrong formula all this time ! "

Wen Ke Xing again started to read on his own . Yan Lan didn't leave him after that . She kept sitting across from him and started to study too .

For the next few weeks , Wen Ke Xing and Yan Lan started to get closer . At first , Wen Ke Xing used to avoid her . But she kept firm and slowly made a difference in Wen Ke Xing's heart .

" Wen Ke Xing , why do you always behave so coldly with me ? ....

... Do you not wish to have a friend too ? With whom you can gossip , share everything ? Your happiness ? Your sorrows ? "

Wen Ke Xing looked at Yan Lan . Yan Lan gave a smile .... " Let's be friends , okay ? " and raised her hand for a shake .

Wen Ke Xing shaked his hand with her ... " Okay ! "

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