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"Ugh, just five more minutes..." I groggily mumbled, pulling my blanket over my head. After a few seconds of trying to fall back asleep, I finally decide to get up. I rubbed the slumber from my eyes as I slowly sat up from my bed. Oh, yeah. It's my first day of school today.

Getting up from my bed, I headed over to the bathroom and quickly got ready for school. After grabbing my bookbag, I walked into the kitchen and put a slice of bread into the toaster. I'm afraid this is all I have at the moment. I'll have to go grocery shopping later.

Once the toast was done, I popped it into my mouth and headed towards the front door, slipping on my shoes.

I then opened the door and made sure to lock it.
"Goodbye, my lovely home. I'll see you later." I said out loud, shutting the door afterward.


"Oh, you must be the new student. Come in, I was just about to start class." The teacher spoke once I appeared in front of the classroom. I walked in, standing at the front of the room.

"Alright, class. This is the new student I was telling you about. Please, introduce yourself."

"Um, hi. My name's [L/N] [F/N]. I hope we can all get along!" I slightly bowed. The teacher then told me to just find an empty seat. I quickly scanned the room and found a seat next to a black-haired boy.

He looked quite frail and I immediately noticed the bandages on his face and his left arm. He was sitting next to a guy with black hair and glasses, who looked quite intimidating. I walked over and sat down next to him. Once I sat down, I noticed the boy tense up a bit. Hmm...


Finally, it's lunchtime. The toast (obviously) wasn't enough to fill me up, so my stomach started growling in the middle of class. Not only was I hungry, but it was also pretty embarrassing to sit through.

Oh, I almost forgot. That boy I was sitting next to in class kept staring at me. It wasn't like creepy staring or anything like that, he would just tense up and look away each time I caught him. I found it pretty strange, but at least he wasn't looking me up and down like some kind of weirdo.

After receiving my lunch, I walked around, looking for a place to sit. I scanned the lunchroom and noticed the boy sitting alone. Perhaps I should go and sit with him..?

As I started to head over to him, I saw three tall guys walk up behind him. Huh? Are those guys... his friends? The one in the middle grabbed the boy's hair, bringing his face closer to his. The frail boy's expression went from somewhat calm to distraught in a split second.

Wait a minute...

Those guys are not his friends...

They're bullies!

Then, without thinking, my body started moving on its own and I found myself speedwalking over to them.

"Hey, leave him alone!" I called out to them, setting my lunch down on the table. They directed their attention to me, the guy with orange hair in the middle still holding onto the boy's hair.

He lifted an eyebrow. "Huh? Oh, you're that new kid. What're you gonna do, tell on me?" He mocked me with a cocky smirk on his face, both of his lackeys snickering beside him.

"Let go, or else...

I'll make you."

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